[center][h1]USNJVC - United States Navy Jovian Fleet Command[/h1] [color=gray][h2]In orbit of Jupiter[/h2][/color][/center] The massive facility was in a veritable uproar. Communications had suddenly cut out with the entire inner fleet. Unconfirmable by the command center itself, due to the orbital path, they had to rely on secondhand reports from the rest of the outer fleet. People scurried to and fro, civilians and military contractors alike in a mass rush. There was no alleviating this panic. George had his work cut out for him. Not only was the US congressman insisting making repeated calls to his office, but the ambassador had once again been reported vandalizing sections of the facility. The military police were getting agitated. The civilians were getting agitated. The soldiers and astronauts were getting agitated. A majority of the fleet was stuck in the dark, awaiting commands as they pinged outposts reported as no longer existing. And to top it off, ships in high-power telescope range of the inner solar system were reporting the Mercurial Dust Clouds missing, that Mars was back to being the red planet, and Earth was green and healthy. Fixed outposts on Pluto, the asteroid belt, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune were no longer responding. Regardless, order slowly began to reassert itself as the transmission lasers met their marks, relaying across the fleet like a vast web. The ships in the Oort cloud were to rendezvous in orbit of Pluto, while the outer solar system fleet was to dock in Jupiter, and those without the power to make it that far, in orbit of Neptune. Of course, that left the ships on the other side of the sun in the dark. It would likely take a long time for the information to be relayed around. So many problems. So many new developments. So little time. [hr] Seeschi teetered uncertainly in the cell. Her mind swam, where were the tools of her trade? The military police insisted what she did was vandalism. Didn't they understand? It was art. Art, the purest form of expression. She had fought bravely, but the stun batons had proved too much for her. She had been apprehended. Utterly unfair. Why had the empire given her such an ambassadorial assignment? She could do so much more then represent for a primitive species. An utter disgrace. An utter disgrace.