Haberdashery [i]noun[/i] 1. an old-fashioned word for the store you visit when you want to buy a suit or a shirt and tie. Premise: [i]It's your senior year of high school, and you need a job. H&M isn't hiring and all the fast-food places are only offering stingy hours. You pass by an upscale boutique on your way to and from school, and while you're not any sort of fashion critic, it strikes you that you only ever see well-dressed men going in and out of this shop. Passing by one day, you see a 'Help Wanted' ad being put in the window by the enigmatic gentleman that runs the boutique. Intrigued, you step inside. Selling pants and ties; how hard could it be?[/i] Looking For: High-school aged boy with dubious fashion/retail experience Kind-hearted (naive) Headstrong (idealistic) [color=9E2208]*[/color]Emotional (prone to tears, easily embarrassed, etc.) I'll be playing the owner of the boutique, naturally. Interested? PM me. [color=9E2208]*[/color][sub][i]Very important.[/i][/sub] [center][color=9E2208]| Mature | MxM | PMs Only | 18+ | Romance | Insert other sketchy warnings here |[/color][/center]