[h3][center][color=00aeef]Robyn[/color][/center][/h3] [@Fubsy] [@oWhiteDiamondo] [@Nikki Moonlight] Robyn and Kinow eventually made it back to the camp. It seems Angelwing had been waiting for them to get there. She dropped the deer carcass, that had been dirtied because of the trip, and then looked around the clearing. Angelwing was on the rock, as per usual whenever he summoned meetings, and his deputy, Rymen, at the bottom. She bowed her head at them before trotting back to the others with Kinow. She noticed the odd gazes they were sending to the wolf - Robyn had noticed it earlier, Crescent Moon's scent on Kinow, but she knew what had transpired. Or at least, she assumed she did. What she did find odd, however, was the pups that were present. Usually, they remained inside the dens as most meetings would not concern them at all. They were too young to understand most of it anyway. This must really be a big issue for Angelwing if he thinks that [i]everyone[/i] needed to hear it. The creative imagination of the pups did lighten the mood, albeit only a little. She then sat down and then waited for the meeting to start.