[CENTER][img]http://ddn.i.ntere.st/p/7788463/image[/img] [h1][u]The Meet[/u][/h1] [h2]Gathering of Garbage[/h2] Interactions with [@cloudystar],[@sharksama], [@Barioth], [@Rune_Alchemist], [@Wasted Ink] and [@Pirouette] plus others (sorry if I forgot you)[/center] Allison took a jab at Gi with the mobster comment, to which he simply flipped her off as he made his way over to the ladder and looked down. He was just as impressed as he was surprised something like this existed. Then again, everyone was surprised when quirks started popping up so the surprise he had faded rather quickly. Glancing over Charlotte, as she called herself, he went to speak up but stopped himself. Adrenaline was still running through him so he'd find something to pass the time for now. He took the tactical approach with the ladder, sliding down it and breaking at the 5 feet mark. As he planted his foot he looked down as a glint of dust was spot falling gently to his feet to which he frowned, deciding now what he needed to do. Gi zipped around to each area of the place, running his finger along different surfaces until he got into the kitchen and then his eye twitched. Going through the pots and pans he found little bits of grease or other stuff. Not much to cause alarm but this is what Gi hated. Quickly he zipped out once more in search for cleaning supplies which didn't take long to find. Gathering the essentials, he zipped back into said kitchen. Mop, bucker, soap, bleach along with other cleaning products were in hand, including some cloth covering his face and hair. [color=9e0b0f]"Ghost, Jaws. Out...Out out out. Now."[/color] It was quite amusing as he comically pushed them out of the kitchen and shut the door behind him. What seemed like only minutes went by before he opened the door again, the place much cleaner with pots and pans and kitchen utensils without any old food particles or grease on them, even the pans they were preparing to use were clean, meat and other food ready to be cooked in them. Soon he moved to the cubicles, cleaning and dusting them off as well as sweeping and mopping. This continued for quite some time until he eventually moved to the lounge area.