[hider=The Sinner] [b]Name:[/b] Abigail “Abbey” Jones [b]Age: [/b]18 [b]Date Of Death:[/b] July 25th, 1994 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider= Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/OXX7KUF.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Height: [/b]120 lbs [b]Weight:[/b] 5’3” [b]Method of Death:[/b] Burned to death [b]Bio:[/b] Abbey found herself raised rather easily. As an only child, she lived just on the edge of rural and suburban parts of Wyoming. Brought up as the daughter to a pastor, Abbey lived her life out within the church of her father. She was extremely sheltered throughout her life there. Schoolwork and housework were topping the charts of her main activities, but Abbey didn’t know any other style of life, so she rarely complained. Religion was obviously a very important part of her family’s lifestyle. This led to Abbey herself, being very cultivated by the Christian ideology. Abbey’s father was the most prominent figure in raising her. He ruled strictly, but with a soft hand. He preached great morals of saving your fellow man despite your differences. This principles led his daughter’s life. She was forgiving and friendly to all above all else. This quaint and quiet life lasted until Abbey hit the age of seventeen. The normality of her life was interrupted by a spree of crime rampant throughout her hometown revolving around a large group of protesters against the hypocrisy of the current government officials. Heavy police forces were brought in in order to satiate the unrest, but this only led to more chaos in the streets. Abbey and her family were careful not to be caught up in such matters, but when a ragged young man clad in black clothing came to the church asking for sanctuary, Abbey’s father immediately took him in. Careful to keep Abbey away from him, her father fed and housed the man throughout the chaotic night, but it is well known that keeping a teenager from her curiosity is a difficult task. Abbey and the boy eventually met and started to grow close over the next few days. Coming from two extremely opposing lifestyles, they found curiosity and solace in each other, but the peace within the church did not last the few days. Less than a week after taking the man in, Abbey’s father discovered that he was a prominent criminal in the protests and had committed a great deal of crimes. In attempts to remove the sinful man from his church, Abbey’s father reached out to the police, but his daughter was not quite ready to give in to the authorities she had recently heard so much about from her new companion. She hid him within the church as long as she could, but the officers grew impatient, promptly deciding to disregard the moral issues of raiding a church. In the rampant confusion, Abbey once more tried to protect her friend by assisting him in fleeing. With police now seeming to turn on her, the two ended up fleeing together. With her newfound friend, Abbey had to leave her home. Thinking she would only be gone for a few days, she soon discovered that her actions were irrevocable and classed her in with a fugitive. Abbey took to living with her new friend, and she found herself living a completely different life with what might be considered a terrorist group of insurgents. She was trained to become like them, though she never gave up her principles. Despite her new outcast nature, Abbey upheld and taught morality to those she found herself in company of. She found herself living the life of an insurgent for nearly a year after that day, but her longing for home couldn’t be held in forever. She had to return home, and was presented with a brilliant opportunity as her cell was moving right near her hometown. Against the wishes of her friend and new family, Abbey returned to the church, her friend accompanying her for protective purposes. Upon arrival, the warm greeting that Abbey was expecting was revealed to be a near opposite of what occurred. Her father intended to hold her and turn her in to pay for her sins. A struggle turned into a fight, and the police were notified and on their way not long after her arrival. What was a mere family fight turned into a hostage situation as Abbey and her friend won the struggle and were now trapped. With police surrounding them, a negotiator was sent in, and this particular man happened to be a prominent enemy of Abbey’s organization. With her cell having heard of the action, they took the opportunity to set the church ablaze, opting to sacrifice two of their members to take out the powerful police figure. Unfortunately, the police were not prepared for such an event. As firemen sifted through the ashes of the church they discovered all four bodies. There were no survivors... [b]Greatest Love: [/b]Excitement [b] Greatest Fear:[/b] Betrayal [b]Stunning Weapon:[/b] Taurus Judge Pistol [b]Sealing Weapon:[/b] Ice Axe [/hider]