Thoughts were racing through Ben's mind as he walked around aimlessly, from park to park, from bench to bench. He couldn't find his comfort : [b]" Who the hell would want to hire an ex-soldier who hadn't even completed his training... Maybe I'll find something... "[/b] he thought to himself. Before finishing the thought Benjamin was knocked down. He felt the tickle of soft fur and, for a second, saw the grey wolf that had fallen right next to him. In the blink of an eye the wolf changed to man, a man who was very angry at him : [b]" What the he... "[/b] Before Benjamin could finish the sentence he saw the two other men, wearing black, classy suites above them. One of them was rapidly looking through a book, a very large, thick book, with intricate symbols on it's covers. The other was pointing a gun at him, or at the man next to him, he couldn't tell. Acting on instinct Ben quickly put his right hand in front of him and a large quantity of energy burst out from his open palm. As that happened he let out a loud noise, sounding a bit like the word [i]" push "[/i] and the pair were pushed away violently. He got up on his feet, let out a sound of relief, and asked the person next to him : [b]" What was that all about ? "[/b]