[color=Ivory][center][h1]Jaden Locke: Virirdian City[/h1][/center][/color] [i]Righteous Fury[/i] As the mass of newbie trainers charged forward, eager for the chance to breeze past the competition, and while others tried to formulated long term strategies in order to oppose the wrong-doing they saw, a voice cut through the noise, it's message simple and to the point. [color=Ivory]"Wow, you're all just pathetic piles of garbage, aren't you?"[/color] Pushing his way through the crowd that had turned to stare at him incredulously after his proclamation, Jaden returned every gaze with a cold, pitiless glare of his own, the Pikachi from before cradled in his arms as he walked up to the desk. Azure eyes stared down the two pokemon sellers, but he didn't direct his next words to them. Instead, he turned to face the horde of trainers behind him, his voice projecting impressively so that they all could hear what he had to say. [color=Ivory]"It's a wonder why any of you thought to be trainer's if this is the path you've decided to go down. But I guess it's a case of 'as above, so below', you'll find trash no matter where you go.[/color] Jaden finished with a humorless chuckle, angering one of the other trainers, and rather large, muscle-bound boy around his age, that he came up to the young boy, holding him up by the collar of his shirt. "What fuckin' right do you have to judge us, just cause we want to take a shortcut, you little prick? Not everyone's got the time or patience to do things the hard way, so what's the matter with taking an easier solution when presented?" As the trainer spoke, he pulled Jaden's face closer, glaring down at the white haired man as he seemed to be contemplating whether he should sock him right in that smug face of his. "Get off your goddamn high horse, cause you ain't know better than the rest of us." Jaden merely continued to smile smugly as the trainer finished his little outburst, still holding onto the Pikachu as he returned the glare with one of his own. Laughter still in his voice, Jaden spot his response, his jovial and bemused tone dripping with spite and contempt. [Color=Ivory]"Oh, I can find a few problems with that logic, but that's not why you're trash. I truly understand the reasons you presented, though personally, if you don't have the time or patience to properly raise a Pokemon, I question why you chose to be a Trainer in the first place."[/color] Jaden was cut off before he could continue by the trainer pulling him off his feet, seeming having decided on what he wanted to do, but Jaden continued on as soon as he could, still staring the large trainer down as he did so. [color=Ivory]"But no, what makes you all pathetic trash is that it's obvious your pokemon partners obviously don't matter to you. Not the ones you've had up to this point, and certainly not the ones yo-"[/color] This time, what cut Jade off was a fist to his face, pain lighting up as the familiar pounding of a headache returned with a vengeance. He was dropped soon after, and while a bit out of it from the hit, had enough sense to turn around so that his back hit the ground and not the passed out pokemon in his arms. Letting out a slight breath, Jaden took little time getting back up, if a bit unsteadily, before looking up at the trainer from before, eyes just as cold and unforgiving as before. [color=Ivory]"What's the matter, don't like hearing the truth?"[/color] "I'm getting really tired of your shit, jackass. What's the problem with wanting strong pokemon over weak ones. It's the point of Pokemon battles and catching them in the wold, to get bigger and better pokemon to replace the weak ones you have to start with." [color=Ivory]"Fine, but that doesn't change what I said, nor does it change the fact that you're all trash. In fact, it only furthers my point. You're giving away partners that likely trusted you to care for them, to help them, to train them up for this challenge you decided to take, and tossing them aside like they're tools you don't need anymore."[/color] As he spoke, the cool and calm tone he had spoken with till now began to thaw away, the fires of his anger beginning to peak out as his disbelief and outrage over the current situation began to reach new heights. [color=Ivory]"You maybe right that strong pokemon win battles, but that isn't all there is to trainers, nor is it all there is to the pokemon at your side. In fact, the fact that battle is the deciding factor already tells me that you're a lost cause. Seriously, I don't understand how you can take these people, cause that is what [i]they fucking are and you shouldn't ever forget that[/i], and just toss them aside like that if you care for them even a bit. As such, none of you do, and you likely never will with the pokemon they're giving you. They've likely either been brainwashed or something else into tools for trainers like you to lose, because if you were given a human being and told that they'd do whatever you say without question, then wouldn't that be your first thought? That something is wrong with them, and whoever gave them to you is likely the one to blame."[/color] Turning again to the two trainers manning the so-called 'Pokemon Club', he now turned his attention to the two of them, anger still peaking in his head. [color=Ivory]"And what, prey-tell, will become of all the Pokemon that you receive in exchange for these tools? What could con-artist like yourselves possibly want with the Pokemon of a bunch of beginner level trainers. Is that how you get your new material for your tools? Con trainers out of their pokemon, take them to some secret facility for experimentation or brainwashing to make them strong and obediant, then come back to start the whole process over again?"[/color] Without a second thought, Jaden spat on the Pokemon Club desk, readjusting the his grip on the Pikachu in hand as he turned away. [color=Ivory]"None of you deserve to be called Trainers, and none of you deserve the Pokemon that have worked with you faithfully up to this point if this is all their faith means to you. If you wish to still trade your pokemon, then how about making sure to let them know what's happening? Take them out right now, look them in the eyes, and tell them what you're doing. Tell them that you're going to give them away to a complete stranger for another, stronger pokemon. Tell them that, in so many words, they never mattered to you. They were just a pawn, a toy, a tool for you, and that was all they ever were going to be. And if, by chance, that thought happens to bother you, then turn the fuck around and walk away with your dignity and honor intact. If it doesn't bother you at all, then all I have to say is that you can go get fuck yourselves in the ass with a Beedrill stinger and may Giratina drag you into the dark void for all eternity."[/color] With that being said, Jaden would walk away from the crowd, but stopped as he began searching the crowd once more, calling over his other Pokemon to his side. [color=Ivory]Vix, where are you? We're leaving these pathetic excuses for Trainers to their dirty dealings for now.[/color] That was a flat-out lie, Jaden fully intended to contact the authorities, but he didn't want to alert the two members of the 'Pokemon Club' to find this out. In fact, he probably could've gotten the police here by now if he had gone to do that once he figured out what was going on, but he couldn't help but speak his mind, hoping that maybe, just maybe, he'd be able to get a few more people to turn away from this ridiculous scheme by attacking their very humanity. Of course, all things considered, it probably wouldn't do anything, but he did what he could. In the crowd, the Trainer from before was still glaring at Jaden, hands balled up into fists and eyes sparking with rage. [@Holy Soldier] [@Feisty-Pants] [@BlackPanther] [@Saltwater Thief] [@Bright_Ops]