Well, I did a bit of editing to an existing cs I had lying around, and here it is. [hider=Damien Cray] [center][img]http://s8.favim.com/orig/150201/anime-anime-guy-art-kuroko-no-basket-Favim.com-2434839.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Damien Cray [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Background:[/b] Damien was a delinquent through and through. He often skipped school and picked fights with anyone foolish and/or strong enough to accept them. Surprisingly enough, on the occasions he did actually go to school, his grades were decent, although that was probably mainly to get his nagging parents off his case about his lifestyle. One day, though, as he was playing hooky as usual, he spotted a kid across the street playing with a ball. Thinking about how stupid the kid was, Damien was about to ignore him and go to an arcade he frequented when the kid kicked the ball into the street, and of course the kid would run into the street right into the path of a speeding car. Acting on instinct, Damien immediately rushed over and pushed the kid out of the way, though at the cost of putting himself in the car's path. It might be easy to guess what happened next. What isn't easy to guess, though, is what happened afterward. Damien awoke, and found that he was most definitely not at home. What's more, he was given a "gift" of sorts. By whom, Damien knew not. Damien experimented a little, trying to get a feel for his new powers, and found that he liked them. Afterwards, Damien didn't really know what to do next. The thought of returning home crossed his mind, but he didn't really have any special attraction for that. Besides, things had just gotten so much more interesting now; going home seemed like a waste. With that train of thought, Damien came to the conclusion of having some fun. What's the worst that could happen? After all, he had already died. Might as well make the best of what he had now. [b]Gift:[/b] Curse of the Demon: Damien can will his arms and legs to transform from his hand to his elbow and his feet to his knees, forming a red rocky exterior covered with yellow markings, with pointy fingertips and toes as well. These limbs are much tougher than normal human limbs, and certainly much stronger as well. Very handy for both offense when he needs to get somewhere fast and deliver powerful punches and kicks to whatever's in his way, as well as for defense to block or dodge incoming strikes that would be beyond a normal human's capabilities to withstand. Damien is also capable of producing a small number of red fireballs with a motion of his hand, and launch them straight at a target. Other abilities may develop as time passes. [/center] [/hider]