"This flood would be bad for me if I wasn't waterproof," Conna'Cel admitted to Marianne, pointing a finger gun at her. "Fortunately, I am. The last flood I was in proves it, too." Marianne had already gone to interact with someone else, though, leaving Conna'Cel by himself. Looking down at the water around his legs, though, Conna'Cel deduced that perhaps it might be a problem in the near future. Maybe not for him, but definitely for the others around him. The water was definitely still flowing, after all, and it didn't show any sign of stopping. Conna'Cel quickly made some calculations on how quickly the water would flood the place, and the results were... not optimal. With that in mind, Conna'Cel's logical conclusion was to evacuate and find someplace high to avoid potential damages the water would cause. Conna'Cel then jerked his head upward, alerted by his name being called out. Turning his head to determine the source, he quickly spotted Faira, who had separated from the group for some reason. A number of possible routes to Faira popped up, and Conna'Cel wasted no time selecting the one that took the least amount of time. He activated his wings and began to hover a short distance from the water's surface, then propelled himself towards Faira. "What seems to be the problem?" Conna'Cel said, extending a hand towards her. [hr] Just as Shawn began to contemplate how he would eat his newly opened meal, chaos began to erupt. Water began to stream downwards from a painting, and it was beginning to flood the room fast. To make matters worse, one of the crows started to pick a fight with Shawn. "[color=00aeef]Gah! Hey, what the-[/color]" Shawn exclaimed as the crow's wings hit his face, waving his arm in an attempt to drive it off of him. "[color=00aeef]Go away, you dumb bird![/color]" [i][color=ed1c24]Shawn, the room is flooding! Now is not the time to be fighting that bird![/color][/i] Gorgonzolla said to Shawn. "[color=00aeef]It won't leave me alone! Shoo! Beat it![/color]" Shawn said, still trying to wave away the crow. [i][color=ed1c24]Worry about it later! Focus on surviving![/color][/i] Gorgonzolla continued to argue. "[color=00aeef]But my beans![/color]" Shawn whined. [i][color=ed1c24]Forget the beans! If you drown, you won't eat anything anymore![/color][/i] "[color=00aeef]Fine, jeez![/color]" Shawn yelled, throwing the can to the side, spilling the contents all over a wall and into the water, which the crow responded to by flying over to the can's crash site. Rubbing his still empty stomach, Shawn grumpily made his way to the door the group had entered and began to pull on the handle, attempting to open the door to get out of the flooding room.