In the middle of the bridge, there was a large table that had a holographic projector built into it. From here, both Strike Commander Andromedai and Colonel Icarus were reviewing the information about the mission they were about to embark on. Important informing was slowly being Suddenly fed from ONI, directly to their ship. Most of the information was already common knowledge but parts of it were quite intriguing. This information included knowledge about the forerunners but also mention about team Osiris and Blue Team. Suddenly, the fully formed digital figure of Nesalla appeared upon the table with her arms crossed over her chest. Once she had everyone's attention, she spoke. [color=0072bc]“My apologies if I am interrupting but I just received word that we have discovered the crash location of the Argent Dawn upon Erathell. Recent scans show that there have been no lifeforms or activity upon the Argent Dawn in the last twenty four hours. If Solares was on the ship, she isn’t there anymore. After hearing the message for myself, I am willing to guess that she engaged some hostile force while taking shelter upon the ship and was then forced the flee using her active camouflage. Due to the severity of her injuries, it is unlikely she made it that far. I do not like to consider this a possibility but she may have been captured by the Covenant or by any active Prometheans upon Erathell. Regardless of what has transpired with her, we need to make our way to Erathell as quickly as possible.”[/color] Both Andromedai and Icarus agreed on that, but they couldn’t leave until all of Rogue Seven was onboard and ready to depart. Andromedai sighed then spoke her mind, [color=00aeef]“I went through complete Spartan training with Solares, she is more of an older sister to me than a friend. I have complete faith that she can hold her ground and remain out of the enemies hands until we arrive.”[/color] These words were spoken only a few seconds before the first of Rogue Seven appeared upon the bridge. Now, three of her squad mates stood in front of her as an odd feeling ran through her body. [color=00aeef]“Pounce, Wulff, Riley, at ease...”[/color] Andromedai looked each of her old squad mates over with a nod of great approval. “ONI never should have broken up Rogue Seven, we could have made a huge difference back in the day, but enough living in the past." Turning to face the table in the middle of the bridge, Andromedai quickly gave orders for Nesalla to all the information about the mission with them. The briefing went on for a while as every last detail was explained and laid out before Rogue Seven. [color=0072bc]“That is all we have to go by, we know Solares is somewhere down upon the surface of the planet, either hiding from all sources or captured from the enemy. As impressive as Solares’s records and skills look, being severely wounded and alone upon a planet with potentially two hostiles is going to push her to her limits. If my records are correct, which they always are, we are missing a few more members of Rogue Seven. Once they arrive, we will depart immediately for the ONI station and the Orion. If there are any questions, I will do my best to answer them before we depart."[/color]