*Nihilus searched for a while before he actually talked to someone regarding a job* "Um...... excuse be sir, but where can a bounty hunter like me get a job?" *"The bounty hall. Take a left from there. You can't miss it", the person says with an expression which reads somewhere along the lines of, "Are you serious right now?"* [i]Yes..... I am serious. I can't the only one who asks for directions around here.[/i] *Nihilus takes his leave from the gentleman and walks to the Bounty hall, and on the way keeps looking around to see if there are any people like him who are asking for directions. There are none.* [i]It's just me...... Well.... that's just splendid.[/i] *Just as Nihilus approaches the Bounty Hall, a cloaked figure runs out of it clutching a book, and soon he hears, "Whoever catches that scoundrel gets 100 gold, plus another 150 if you retrieve the book for me!"* Yes! a job! Finally. *Nililus takes out the revolver in his right holster and takes aim at the running cloaked figure's thigh. It takes a second for him to aim accurately at the runner's calf in a way that it doesn't do much damage. He only wants to bring the runner down, not kill him.* *Time slows down, Nihilus' cone vision focuses on his target, his revolver, and the bullet trajectory. All other distractions; the sweat running down his temple, the weight of his backpack, the blinding light of the sun, all are discarded.* *A small smile comes to his face underneath his mask.* *He pulls the trigger and the bullet hits the calf of the leg that the man is about to keep on the ground and he falls flat on his face* *Nihilus then shoots his other leg as well to prevent him from running anymore*