[hider= Alejandra][center][color=7bcdc8]Name[/color]: Alejandra Jones [color=7bcdc8]Age[/color]: 27 Date Of Death: April 23, 2001 [hider=Appearance][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/a25fedd66f8fe8440404b573cc086b1f/tumblr_nubbk6bUje1qllucco5_1280.jpg[/img] [center]don't mind the ear piercings.[/center] [/hider] [color=7bcdc8]Height[/color]: 5'7" [color=7bcdc8]Weight[/color]: 146 [color=7bcdc8]Method of Death[/color]: Bled to death after being shot several times by her fiance [color=7bcdc8]Bio[/color]: Alejandra was born the third child to a peasant family in El Salvador. Her childhood consisted of trying to survive under the violence of the government. When her father would suggest the family in immigrating to the United states, all would find it safer and practical in living there than being killed under a death squad. While she and her siblings would be introduced to public schooling, she would pick up on music. Alejandra became fond of the cello and would excel at playing it throughout the years. Once her family would become financially stable, they provided her extra lessons that would strengthen her skill. Her talent and motivation in playing had brought her scholarships to great colleges, a dream being closer at reach. During her high school years, Alejandra was well known for having multiple relationships which she would constantly switch from. One she would end up staying with during the late junior year and found that she had deeply loved him. There was a tense pause in their relationship in their late senior year. During this time, her lover was jealous of her luck with getting scholarships to a first rate colleges while he would be doomed in paying tuition. With being very possessive over her, the situation would result in him following her in order to make sure she kept faith. As time went on, Alejandra and her lover would graduate from college. But with his debts were Piled up, she would assist in paying them. This had deeply damaged their relationship as he would be dependent on her while he would struggle to find a job. As Alejandra would be involved with more people, her lover would ask her hand in marriage out of jealousy. While her status grew larger in difference to him, he became obsessed in trying to match up to her. Many times they would fight, she would seek refuge among others, though it would only prove to fuel the situation. It was until she would be consoled by one of her male coworkers in getting advice in reconciliation, where her fiance would ultimately try to shoot at the his "rival", however would miss and fatally wound Alejandra. [color=7bcdc8]Greatest Love[/color]: Her favorite instrument, the cello [color=7bcdc8]Greatest Fear[/color]: Not being able to finish what she started [color=7bcdc8]Stunning Weapon[/color]: OTs-38 Stechkin silent revolver [color=7bcdc8]"Silence accents music, its what makes [i]it[/i] beautiful"[/color] [color=7bcdc8]Sealing Weapon[/color]: Machete [/center][/hider]