[@agentmanatee][@Bright_Ops][@Dannyrulx] [color=lightsalmon]"My greatest kill? Well, there was this one time - when I was fixing up one Guardsman, I am not sure where he was from, who had taken an ork round through his spleen. Nasty piece of work there, it was mostly us two. So then some ork kommando sneaks up behind me, [i]sneaky-bastard[/i] there puts a shotgun against my back and tells me 'ands up'. So I took the scalpel I had been using and shoved it into his trigger finger. Then came the gloves off, and I ended up tearing off his face with my claws,"[/color] she spoke, rubbing her fingers. [color=lightsalmon]"I broke one nail to that entire thing, while he ended up missing a face - I also used that idiot' skull as my ork football...before it got smashed." [/color] She said that, speaking calmly yet that last piece of wording was said with some dislike - while Meris gave Ninke a look at that. First that woman smashed her play-ball and then she got her rank wrong. She smelled a Shrine-born Guardsman from that woman.