[center][h1][color=ed1c24]Conroy[/color][/h1][/center] After leaving his brother to deal with a danger even worse than that of the walkers, Conroy went to get cleaned up so that he could get his rest and clean his weapons, which reminded him, he needed to find out how mush ammo he had left and if he needed to find out if he needed to go back out on another run. He's come to like this group compared to the one he and his brother was in before. The leader they had before was untrusting and a bit unstable. Anyone that questioned him were immediately shot and killed for not following him as their leader and the ones who did follow, they were not in their right minds either. It was like being teamed up with mindless walkers as well than with a survival team. Those few days being alone, Conroy didn't know if he was going to leave but, he was going to go down fighting. With people getting pregnant and making new families, Conroy thought about that but hes had his troubles in the past with females and he honestly felt that family life was not for him. Getting cleaned and checking his supplies, he noticed he only had one clip for each gun and one of them was half empty. [color=ed1c24]Shit....need to see if there's a gun shot near here....[/color] he said to himself getting up go get something to snack on for the time being before making plans to leave. [@Caits][@Wick][@WildRose][@josephb][@dabombjk]