[center][h3][i][b][color=gray]Angelwing[/color][/b][/i][/h3][/center] [@Fubsy][@Nikki Moonlight][@Polaris North] Soon the pack clearly had everybody there. It was a small pack, only around two or three wolves per higher ranks, and a litter or two of puppies with few apprentices. It was a sad sight. Fortunately, their size didn't determine their power. They were Ai Espiritus, and they could easily defend off one little loner, right? Right... Robyn and Kinow were back perfectly fine. At least, from his viewpoint up there. They were joining the gathering and it blurred the ones within the circle. Again, it didn't matter. Everybody was there, and he had to give the speech. [color=gray]"Now, pack members,"[/color] he boomed from the gathering rock, [color=gray]"As some of you may know, there's been a [i]'newcomer'[/i] around the area. The scent is around our territory, and possibly within."[/color] His eyes shifted between Kinow and Robyn then back to the general crowd. [color=gray]"Everybody should be aware that this is from a loner that has been previously kicked out of the pack due to..."[/color] He faded off, Angelwing's claws itching into the rock as he tried to find the word. [color=gray]"[i]Homicidal[/i] reaosns."[/color] He made sure to use a word the younger ones wouldn't understand. Rumors started to rise throughout the higher ranks. Some didn't remember of course, but the ones who were there to witness it were sparking memories. [color=gray]"Please be cautious when going near the edge of the pack grounds just in case they may be nearby. Before I dismiss you all, just remember that this wolf is [i]highly[/i] trained in hunting [i]and[/i] being hunted, so you [i]must keep your senses up."[/i][/color] The tone in his voice grew more intense near the end of his announcement, but he hoped he got his message clear. [color=gray]"Warriors, Hunters, Deputy, stay. Everybody else, dismissed!"[/color] Angelwing let the others part their ways, still hearing the faint whispers about the gathering, but didn't get down from the rock just yet. [hr] [center][h3][i][b][color=blue]Crescent Moon[/color][/b][/i][/h3][/center] [@Fubsy][@Polaris North] When the two wolves had moved on to the pack territory, she kept low in the shadows while following after. Any sounds she made only were an echo to theirs. Keep it steady. Quiet and quick. She caught up easily behind them when they entered the pack, others already gathered below the recognizable rock from long ago. The one she was promoted on. The one she was banished from. Instead of spitting out from anger, a smug grin crawled up from along her face, the glimmer of her fangs and bright eyes the only thing that could be seen within the darkness. However, the smile quickly faded off. Crescent Moon advanced on into the pack territory, using the dens and surrounding trees to stay hidden as she listened closely to the speech. [i]Of course[/i] it's about her! Why shouldn't it be? The glimmer of the orange pelt within the crowd caught her eye again. Maybe she could try getting their attention? No, she wasn't going to turn it into some romance between two rivals. Well, maybe not yet.