[center][h2]XANDERII[/h2][/center] [center][h1]The Rise of Scipius[/h1][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/76/9e/82/769e8298229a87a11cd2237edf02d726.jpg[/img][/center] This role play will take place in Archon's Pass, which serves as the only viable route through the Charon Mountains. Pushing in from the west is a mighty army led by the dreaded General Scipius. Scipius intends to cross the mountain pass and wage war on the eastern world. Opposing him is a makeshift alliance of various kingdoms. Unfortunately, the easterners need time to prepare and assemble an effective fighting force. To buy them some time, they have each sent a token force to Archon's Pass, who must defend it for as long as possible. You will be playing as a general for the Alliance. You and your soldiers must meet with the other commanders and discuss strategy and tactics in the Camp Phase. During the Battle Phase you will attempt to defend the pass from Scipius' army, who will make daily assaults. Scipius will have built fortifications on his side of the pass and they will be impossible to breach, and his numbers are infinitely higher than your own, so your only option is to defend the pass as long as you can until you're forced to retreat. Archon's Pass itself is a large, elevated, flat valley located between two very high mountains. It is wide and long enough that two armies can maneuver with tremendous ease. The role play takes place in an 'Ancient setting'. There are no knights, no steel plate armor, etc. Your inspiration should come from the Roman Empire, Ancient Greece, the Persian/Parthian Empire, Celtic and Germanic tribes, Egypt, etc. Magic is not allowed. I want to try to keep the world's lore a little vague and obscure. It is analogous to our own, however, with Scipius and his legions being directly inspired by the Roman Republic. Archon's Pass would be located in an area like the Alps, and it is the 'gateway' to the rest of the world in the eyes of Scipius and his superiors. For a long time, the Republic has been confined behind the Charon Mountains, but as Scipius has defeated the Republic's enemies there they now look over the mountains and plan to conquer beyond. Almost a century previous to this event, a man known as Xander (analogous to Alexander the Great) conquered much of the known world, but his death brought about the fracture and eventual fall of his empire; no one else has come close to achieving what Xander did, but Scipius is intent on doing so. [h3]Bio[/h3] [i]This bio format has everything that I need to know, but feel free to make alterations and add categories if you want.[/i] [b]Name[/b]: Any names, nicknames, and aliases you go by, or may be known by. [b]Info[/b]: Age and gender. [b]Appearance[/b]: Your physical appearance: eye color, skin color, hair color/style, tattoos, body build, etc. [b]Apparel[/b]: Any clothing or armor you may wear. Pictures are acceptable. [b]Weapons[/b]: The weapon(s) your character likes to use in combat. This also includes items like shields. [b]Items[/b]: Any other items that may prove important in the story. [b]History[/b]: Your character's background. [b]Faction[/b]: The name of your faction, and at least a few sentences telling me about it. [b]Force[/b]: How many soldiers did you bring, what types, how are they equipped, what are they used for, what are they known for, etc. The more information, the better. Players can command up to 1,000 soldiers. [code][b]Name[/b]: [b]Info[/b]: [b]Appearance[/b]: [b]Apparel[/b]: [b]Weapons[/b]: [b]Items[/b]: [b]History[/b]: [b]Faction[/b]: [b]Force[/b]: [/code] [h3]Players[/h3] User - Character - Faction - Troops - Fatigue