As the young man attempted to respond, he broke out into a string of coughing fits, and the Doctor rushed to his side, making sure the boy was okay. But before he could even ask him, a strange small object flew directly past them at a dangerous pace, landing in front of them, and the Doctor instantly was down in the grass, puling out his sonic screwdriver to examine it. "Oh what's this now?" The Doctor asked as he scanned the small object. "Looks like it could be from a pl-OOF!" The Doctor was suddenly cut off when he felt something collide with his back and he was sent flying towards the ground. He landed roughly on the grass, and groaned when he felt his back twinge at the pressure. After the young man had managed to gather himself from the floor, he politely lifted the Time Lord off the ground and apologised. He told the Doctor his name and then unexpectedly saluted. "Oh, put your hand down, Leander." The Doctor said to him with a smile. "Nice name, Leander. Nice to meet you, Leander. Oh and you can drop the 'Sir', I'm the Doctor." The Doctor was about to kneel down to examine the small object again when he suddenly felt a rush of pain escalate its way up his back and he let out a yell of uncomfortable pain. "Oh, my back..." He moaned, rushing his hand behind him for support. "Either I hit my back harder than I thought or I'm just getting old..."