[center][color=gray][h3]Leisy Takigawa[/h3][/color] — Feyhollow Town —[/center] Seeing Ella return her own Ekans, Leisy sighed and slipped Cassia’s Pokeball into her pocket. [i]I ought to buy a trainer belt,[/i] Leisy thought with a small frown as she fussed over the missing tool in an attempt to distract herself. Looking around, Leisy realized that both of her friends had fallen into a sullen mood. Slapping on a smile, Leisy turned to them. [color=gray]“So! Let’s head out?”[/color] she asked, looking at Ella and Vivian. [color=gray]“Do either of you wanna stop by the Pokemart or maybe grab a bite? I’m famished, although we should probably move out quickly if we want to catch the perpetrators before...”[/color] Leisy looked up at the sky, frowning as she trailed off, [color=gray]“the sun goes down...”[/color] [hr][hider=Leisy’s Pokedex] [b]Organization: [/b]Helping Hand Guild [b]TP:[/b] 94 +2(HHG bonus) = 96 [b]Inventory:[/b][list][*]Pokeball x 3 [/list] [b]Pokemon:[/b][list][*]Bidein “Dei” ♂ — Fletchling (5) [*]Naunet ♀ — Piplup (5) [*]Devinco “Devi” ♂ — Larvitar (3) [*]Cassia “Sia” ♀ — Ekans (1) [/list][/hider] [@dark light] [@luckyblackcat] [hr] 66CP