[center][color=A9A9A9] [h3] Lomen [/h3] [/color][/center] [@Jangel13] [hr] A charge. Obviously the most dangerous attack the rabbit appeared to use. Although it was dangerous, the fact it was partially blind form the last strike gave Lomen the perfect chance. It was a moment where the blow must be to the final point where the rabbit couldn't fight back as ferociously, the legs. All the rabbit's power seemed to reside in its legs so at least one must be destroyed to possibly kill the rabbit at best or at least injure the rabbit enough so it cannot escape more lethal blows. With the rabbit's charge, Lomen kept his shield to protect his body, sidestepping into the rabbit's new blind spot thanks to an injured eye and moved a bit forward in a small crescent path again to make sure the rabbit couldn't turn and strike him. He then strikes at the rabbits hind legs, hoping it would be enough to at least prevent escape and possibly be enough to kill the animal. Plus he felt that this rabbit would taste amazing after it was dead and looked forward to the meal.