[@December][@Duthguy][@Heyitsjiwon] -the fishing attempt- The fish were immediately scared by the sudden change in the water as they felt the ripples of the goblin standing in the stream as they were quick to flee to the sides. They were like that until the goblin was then perfectly still once they felt that the goblin was nothing more then another rock they swam past the goblin not thinking that the legs were a threat. Downstream the pond had many more fish but they also held more violent fishes that would attack anyone daring to get into the water more then the shoreline. It was their decision whether they stuck to the safety of the stream or to try their hand at actual fishing and risk enraging a dangerous fish that lives in fresh water and feasts on the colorful fish. [hr] [@The 4 Winds] -The final blow- As the rabbit fought with everything it had it soon turned out to be a pointless endeavor as the rabbit made its next charge then when the goblin strikes at its hind legs a deafening crunch could be heard and it was understood that the legs were now broken and unable to run. The rabbit was unable to run or attack in earnest anymore as it simply curled up hissing loudly at the goblin trying to scare it away even though it didn't have the strength to fight anymore. Once the goblin made the finishing blow the alpha was then dead. The goblin was able to feast on nice and fat meat as the rabbit fed well and was strong. [u]Goblin Lomen gained: Alphas medium horn[/u] Goblin Lomen learned: [b]Heavy strike[/b]