[@thewizardguy][@supertinyking] Mithias landed within sight of one of the gates. He set Martin-bot down beside him. "Is everything working captain Martin?" He was glad to have something to say to take his mind of what he was about to do, to go back to them, to have to explain everything. While Martin tested his connection, Mithias put a hand over his chest again. Goddamnit Alucard could see and hear everything they were saying. Mithias remembered this as a soft pain made this unwanted third presence clear. "Damn you Alucard." He muttered. Why had he been so foolish? He nearly threw everything away just for a chance to save a friend. At least now he was certain that that friend was no more, and the whole idea had been a waste. Now he had to answer for that and hope there was still something to be salvaged from the effort expended. Mithias really had no idea how his allied commander was going to take this, nor how he would react to the idea of working with Martin. With the enemy's taint in his blood, would they even allow Mithias to live at this point? The vampire and the robot stood in plain view, waiting.