[center][color=aqua][h2]Tora Azure[/h2] - Central City || Riverside -[/color][/center] [hr] Tora blinked a little as the woman lept into the water before looking towards Sirius. [color=aqua]"If you are up to it Sirius, I'd be grateful if you could lend your assistance as well. Help them get across the water."[/color] the tall woman requested, watching the Staryu slowly turn toward her, then the river before looking like the starfish took a deep breath. Soon enough, the water type lept into the water and swam over to Des, drawing close so the woman could grab onto one of its limbs so it could guide her back across to shore. The Persian hissed as the Magical leaves cut up its fur, the feline giving a angry hiss at the sweet smelling Pokemon. Screeching angrily, opening its jaws and baring its fangs threateningly before charging foreword, claws out ready to use fury swipes on the grass Pokemon. [color=aqua]"Archie, Fire Fang!"[/color] Tora called. Archie barked then charged foreword, jaws open with fangs spewing fire, leaping at the feline and sinking the flamed fangs into the Persian's back. The feline yowled in pain as the teeth sunk into it and fire scorched its fur and flesh, rage flashing in its ruby eyes as it reared up on its hind legs, swinging its left paw around to slam it into the side of Archie's head with a Slash attack. Giving a pained yelp as the Growlithe was knocked off and slammed into the ground, clawing at the ground as she was almost knocked into the river. The Persian hissed, opening its jaws that glowed brilliantly before breathing a streak of stars as it used the move swift. Archie growled as she stood up again at the edge, fur fluffed before opening her jaws and breathing a Ember attack in a attempt to counteract the swift attack. The moves clashed into brilliant flash, flames glowing and crackling against the stars. [hr] [hider=Notes] +1TP +1HHG = 18 +1CP = 14 (-10 for Location) = 4 Pokemon: [list][*]Archie the ♀Growlithe: Level 2/Healthy [*]Sirius the Staryu: Level 2/Tired and hurt[/list] Inventory: -Continued interaction with [@ToadRopes]'s character Juana. -Tora met and interacted with [@SillyPhilly]'s character Des.[/hider]