Got off early from work and had time to finish it today. Title: The Duchess Name: Esmeralda Santánico Sex: Female Age: 29 Appearance: Skills: Esmeralda was trained from a young age to be the Defender of Sekonos. To that end she was trained to be a diplomat, swordsman, and a sharpshooter. To maintain an upper hand in negotiations she was trained to infiltrate compounds and steal whatever was needed or to eavesdrop on conversations. Powers: *Blood Consumption: The Duchess drinks the blood to regain health **Greater Blood Consumption: The Duchess can for a short while after consuming blood project the appearance of her victim into the minds of those around her, giving her the illusion of shape shifting *Raven transformation: The Duchess turns into a raven to access places she could not normally reach (basically Blink/Far Reach) **Greater Raven: Lasts longer/goes farther *Compulsion: target becomes slave to the will of The Duchess **Ugrade: Lasts longer, those with stronger will power or now susceptible *Telekinesis: The Duchess can manipulate objects with her mind, from lifting, pulling, and pushing. **Greater Telekinesis: The Duchess can lift heavier items such as bodies, pull objects from a greater distance, and push objects a greater distance *Camouflage: The Duchess can blend into her surroundings as long as she does not move and has her eyes closed. **Greater Camouflage: The Duchess can now move but it must be extremely slowly and Bio: As a child Esmeralda was her grandfather’s secret weapon in most negotiations, she was able to eavesdrop on conversations without the need to hide as most underestimated her, or through the privilege of her nobility she was able to force people to let her in places they would not normally with a well timed temper tantrum. As she grew older she would sneak around getting into places she was not allowed. One time she snuck into the private bed chambers of the other party and found him in a liaison with a person that could seriously ruin his marriage, which resulted in an extremely favorable trade deal for Sekonos. When her brother was born their mother died in childbirth, when she was ten her father was killed by pirates. Esmeralda in her late teens and early twenties spent most of her time in court, learning to interact with the various socioeconomic backgrounds of the people who sought the Duke's favor. She was investigating a rumor of the pirates uniting when her father died. She returned as soon as she heard, upon her arrival her brother had already seized the throne after publically declaring her in league with the pirates that continually threatened Sekonos’ trading ships. She was arrested and sentenced to life in jail.