[center][color=A9A9A9] [h3] Lomen [/h3] [/color][/center] [@Jangel13] [hr] Food never tasted so good. In all of his memory, this was the most satisfying meal in existence. The brain and heart seemed to be especially tasty for an odd reason and while eating he heard he had learned '[b]Heavy Strike[/b]'. Lomen thought that he was given a skill based on his attacks and decided to try and become more well rounded with skills. With the new horn he could make more pin-point attacks, letting him learn vitals for the monsters he would have to hunt. A good hunt indeed. Although it was a great moment, it would be sunset soon and Lomen remembered the stories of dangerous beasts that loom in the night. For now it would be best to get back to the cave. It would be a fun night and Lomen decided to tell Grampa Goblin all about his first hunt against a horned rabbit. He still was not sure if it was an alpha or not due to having seen only one rabbit, but he would probably be told by Grampa Goblin based on the horn. All in all, it was a good day, but he would have to start earlier tomorrow if he was to get more abilities and experience. He felt like there was a number that was important, but he would ask about that later. For now, he felt it was time to go home and enjoy the night. Along the way, he decided that he would pick some berries and see if there were any leaves or tree vines sturdy enough to make rope, netting, or primal clothing out off. It would be good for those cold nights to possibly have more than a loin cloth.