Just thought I'd come into this thread as well and clarify that I'll be able to join in at a later date. Though I did manage to dig up Penny's CS so I'll just drop that here for now. [Hider=Penny Evergreen][center][h2][color=SpringGreen]Penny Evergreen[/color][/h2][img]http://static.tumblr.com/acb7966cb2960217b1d66974293a5f7c/klgleko/xClo494e0/tumblr_static_e3s36lqq3r40wgwgg0g04wgcs.png[/img] [h3][color=GreenYellow]"[/color][color=silver][i]No time to waste, there's adventure afoot![/i][/color][color=GreenYellow]"[/color][/h3] [color=SeaGreen]~[/color] Character Themes [color=SeaGreen]~[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4kIfIUSV6o][color=GreenYellow]A Taste for Adventure[/color][/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75kJb_aAvKY][color=SpringGreen]Moonsetter[/color][/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8mLKTY5TWM][color=SeaGreen]Do you Remember Me?[/color][/url] [i][color=silver]Penny is a young girl of average height and weight with a lithe build and tanned complexion. She has freckles covering the majority of her face, as well as her neck and arms. She's usually never seen without a bandage or bruise or some kind due to her adventurous nature. She has wide, green eyes and her two front teeth are larger than average. Her long, black hair is usually let to flow freely to her waist and is generally adorned with various flowers, sticks and leaves that she collects in her free time. Penny has a variety of different shirts she likes to wear, but they all share a common theme by having a picture of a fuzzy animal on them. She also likes to wait an ankle length skirt with mismatched socks and a pair of old, muddy sneakers. Her skirt is fastened to her weight by a novelty belt which she found at a local market. The belt buckle is shaped like a dogs face. If it's cold she might wear her favorite hand knit sweater, which has many holes in it as well as loose threads. Sometimes she'll even adorn a jacket. On her fingers she likes to keep different colored rubber bands to use as reminders. She also wears glasses, though she tends to have a different pair every other week since she keeps losing them.[/color][/i][/center][hr][b][u]Family Name[/u][/b] [i]Evergreen[/i] [u]Given Name(s)[/u] [i]Penelope[/i] [u]Title or Alias(s)[/u] [i]Penny[/i] [u]Gender[/u] [i]Female[/i] [u]Sexuality[/u] [i]Undetermined[/i] [u]Age[/u] [i]13[/i] [u]Birthday[/u] [i]8th of August[/i] [b][u]Allignment[/u][/b] [i]Chaotic Good[/i] [u]Motivation[/u] [i]Adventure! Lost Treasures! Mysteries![/i] [u]Likes[/u][list] [*] [i]Reading[/i] [*] [i]Gardening[/i] [*] [i]Adventuring[/i] [*] [i]Animals[/i] [*] [i]Magic[/i][/list][u]Dislikes[/u][list] [*] [i]Sitting still[/i] [*] [i]Being ignored[/i] [*] [i]Being interrupted[/i] [*] [i]Rude people[/i][/list] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [i][color=silver]Penny is the epitome of childhood innocence and naivety. She's care free, fun loving and easy going by all accounts and there are few people who she doesn't instantly get along with. Penny can sometimes be described as a blind optimist, always seeing the good in a situation. Unfortunately her naivety does tend to let her be manipulated easily. She trusts other infallibly, even when logic would suggest otherwise. She's never really been one for logic, honestly. Instinct is the name of her game, and most of her decisions are based off of her gut. For this reason, Penny is quite the curious spirit. She's adventurous and fearless, even more so than some people twice her age. She doesn't let herself miss out on the wonders of life because of insecurity, taking on any task head on regardless of how big or small. As such, she has quite a lot of hobbies. Reading, dancing, piano, gardening, knitting and the list goes on! With so much to do, Penny has to keep herself organised by using color coded rubber bands as a reminder that she keeps on her fingers. While she might seem all sunshine and daisies, and it is true that she can be quite naive, Penny does not take kindly to those who cross her. The young girl's gall and ability to stand up to those far stronger than her is nothing short of impressive, if not foolish. Penny refuses to let her voice be ignored. She doesn't care who you are or how powerful you are, she will let you have it if you cross her. While standing up for yourself is mostly seen as a positive trait, it can be quite detrimental to her as she refuses to shut her mouth in situations where speaking up can only make matters worse. Regardless, the young ladies courage, spirit of adventure and dedication to improving herself has made her a fine up and coming mage for Golem's Hand.[/color][/i] [b][u]Guild Allegiance[/u][/b] [i]Golem's Hand[/i] [u]Guild Mark Location[/u] [i]Back of left hand[/i] [u]Team Members[/u] [i]None[/i] [u]Magic Level[/u] [i]D Class[/i] [u]Strengths[/u][list] [*] [i]Surprisingly, Penny was born with her second origin unlocked. She possesses absolutely incredible reserves of Magic Power for a girl so young.[/i] [*] [i]Fearless and determined, up to any task![/i] [*] [i]Kind natured and supportive[/i][/list][u]Weaknesses[/u][list] [*] [i]When she was only a baby, a special seal was placed among her that prevents her from accessing her Magic.[/i] [*] [i]Lack of impulse control and extremely naive.[/i] [*] [i]Possesses no magical strength and little physical strength.[/i][/list] [b][u]Magic Specialty[/u][/b] [i]The Muse[/i] [u]Description[/u] [i][color=silver]The Muse is a Lost Magic that Penny inherited from her Great Grandmother. To put it in simple terms, a Muse is one who inspires creation, or creates to inspire. The Muse is a supportive magic based around inspiring strength, both physical and mental, in others and then using that strength to grant the Muse power. A fully realised Muse is capable of bringing out the greatest potential of those around them, inspiring courage and determination in their allies even in the most disastrous of moments. Additionally, the Muse also holds influence over creation, allowing them to perform incredible feats of magic by harnessing the strength that they have inspired in others. These are called "Miracles", and their power varies depending on how much the Muse has influenced the lives of those around her. A Miracle can be anything from shielding their allies from a powerful spell to changing fate itself. Muses by nature are born with incredible amounts of Magic Power, having their second origin unleashed from birth.[/color][/i] [u]Magical Seal[/u] | [i][color=silver]When she was very young, Penny had a magical seal placed upon her that would prevent her from being able to tap into her Magic. As such, Penny struggles greatly with controlling even the most basic forms of magic.[/color][/i] [hider=Known Spells][u]Inspire[/u] | [i](Passive) Even though Penny's magic has been sealed away inside of her, residual power does leak through even if she is unaware of it. Those who Penny grows closer to will slowly start to feel her magical influence as a Muse and as such their magic is stronger when she is nearby. The difference is only slight, and barely noticeable. During times of emotional turmoil, Penny's influence may even increase further, restoring courage and determination to her allies in dire times.[/i] [u]Heightened Empathy[/u] | [i](Passive) As a Muse, Penny is able to experience the emotions of others. She isn't aware of this connection as of yet, and most just assume the young girl is highly empathetic for her age. As her power grows she will be able to directly tap into the inner turmoil of others, healing their hearts.[/i] In time, more spells will be learnt.[/hider] [b][u]Main Weapon[/u][/b] [i]None[/i] [b][u]History[/u][/b] [i][color=silver]Penelope Justice was born to inherit the powers of the Muse, as was predicted by her Great Grandmother who held the power before her. In her life time, Juleka Justice used her influence as the Muse to achieve much. She was a well respected wizard who was loved by many. However, there were some who wished to use the power of the Muse for their own ill intent. While Juleka was strong enough to defend herself from these dangers, she knew that the time would come when she would leave this life and another would inherit her powers. Her granddaughter was due to have a baby soon, and this child would be the next Muse. No doubt her powers would begin rapidly growing from a young age and her influence would reach the ears of those who sought out Juleka for their twisted purposes. In order to defend the young Penny from such a fate, Juleka performed her last miracle and turned her mind and body into a seal that would keep Penny's powers hidden until she learnt to come into them herself. With her last great act of Magic, Juleka faded away and disappeared the night Penny was born. Her parents could feel Juleka's power within her, but they knew that the steps their grandmother took would not be enough. In order to make sure the people who hunted Juleka would never find Penny, the young couple whisked the child away in the night and brought her to an orphanage in Luna Crescente. While they would always love their daughter, they had no choice but to give her away out of fear that they may be hunted down. Penny spent many years at the orphanage before another young couple, last name Evergreen, adopted the young girl. And why wouldn't they? She was cheery, thoughtful and her presence lit up the orphanage. She had a bit of a wild streak to her, but her new parents were happy to embrace that aspect of her. Quite the adventurous type themselves, they would often take her camping in the forests, swimming in the lake or play 'lost treasure' with her as a child. Truly the young girl was nurtured beyond belief. Then a new Wizards guild opened up in town, a guild named Golem's Hand. Naturally interested by the idea of magic, Penny begged her parents to help her learn. Neither of them were magicians, and they only used magic in their household for mundane tasks. Despite that, they took Penny to the town library to help her study magic. Unfortunately, the seal Juleka had placed upon her to suppress her powers as a Muse made it so that she could never practice magic. Even the most mundane incantations were a struggle to her, but this did little to dishearten her young spirit. Penny decided that her potential must not lie in books alone and the only way to learn magic would be to be with other magicians. Penny started forcing herself upon the Golem's Hand guild hall, spending hours upon hours of her day there with the other mages. The young girl, possessing no power of her own, soon became a regular at the guild. She'd been spending time there for a whole year, but there was still no development in her powers. The guild master took pity on her, but was inspired by her efforts. He decided to make her an official member to boost her spirits and ensure that she would never stop trying to learn magic.[/color][/i] [u]Other[/u] [i]Penny is surprisingly strong for her age, but she still lacks any real combat ability.[/i][/hider]