[color=92278f][h3][center]~Isurta~[/center][/h3][/color] [@Wasted Ink] [@Duoya] [@Jangel13] [hr] Well, he wasn't wrong she thought, but it wasn't going to stop her from going and attempting to hunt alone later. Hunting with others was fun and all, but there were certain things that were easier to do alone. Still, any major hunting would probably have to be done in groups. For now she'd stick to hunting large amounts of Horned Rabbits and get to be able to fighting them relatively quickly and easily. It'd help with food and also with her own skills. [color=92278f]"Hehe, We've been alive for what, three days? Pretty sure more great days are ahead!"[/color] Isurta giggled. [color=92278f]"But it was pretty fun hunting with you two as well. Lets do it again sometime!"[/color] She followed after Kishi, walking alongside him with a grin. [color=92278f]"And I'm not gonna use the teeth, but what are you gonna use 'em for?"[/color] She asked, cocking her head to the side. Kishi was a creative one, at least that was the impression she got from him. He made some pretty cool spears with what they had at least, even if they were nothing all that impressive. [color=92278f]"You should show me once we get back."[/color] She asked, walking past Kishi. [color=92278f]"Come on then! Last one there is gonna get eaten by a bear!"[/color] She had no idea what a bear actually looked like or what one even was, but it sounded funny to say.