[center][img]http://img.cinemablend.com/cb/e/7/0/c/e/6/e70ce6cc54793c53a306ed247b8f01e01ddb0f32933d4dbb2c04fe02740d2324.jpg[/img][/center] [h1][center][color=brown] Krystan Mc'neil [/color][/center][/h1] Krystan smiled at his compliment before saying,"[color=brown]Thank you, and your not to bad looking yourself.[/color]" She says complimenting him. Krystan wasn't trying to get with him but she wasn't going to lie he is good looking. Krystan mentally shook those thoughts from her head as they came. Focus on surviving not relationships. "[color=brown]Oh and here.[/color]" She reaches into her pocket and brings out a bright blue ball,"[color=brown]This is his ball.[/color]" Krystan throws it at Conroy smiling wider when Raphael ran after the ball."[color=brown]Maybe after we eat I can let him play with you. You look like you need some doggy loving.[/color]" She says. As she says this Raphael paws at the mans legs letting out a whine with a growl getting impatient he wanted to play.