This is under construction but I just wanted to get something up lol filled most of it out but it's hard to do on mobile T^T [hider=My Hider] Name: Aravanth Species: Mermaid Age: 117 Gender: female Personality: Aravanth is a free-spirited fish. She is very whimsical in her ways, doing what pleases her without much regard for how it may effect others. Consequences aren't something she generally pays any mind to. She comes off quite flirtatious, as playing with people, especially men, is quite entertaining for her. Background: Aravanth was born in a small marsh, an offshoot of the crystal river. She had plenty of brothers and sisters. Her species aren't born to parent. They lay their eggs and then the children fend for themselves until they're old enough to split away and find their own mates to breed and further the species. It was no different for this girl, born in a warm swamp. Aravanth has three brothers and four sisters. Their names were all given by each other as, stated before, their parents were absent. Aravanth is a middle child follow Antel, Axel, Argo, herself, Aurim, Amienth, Aremma, Ateena. They have long since split off, leaving Aravanth alone where they grew up. It is in this marsh where she resides, but often ventures out along the crystal river to explore. Appearance:[img][/img] [img][/img] Outfits: When in the water Avaranth has a long aquablue tail. The center holds her natural skin tone, scales blending into the blue, darker tones accenting the fin a the end. The tips of her fin are the same fleshy colored scales at her belly, smaller fins along the sides and back. She likes to dress up her fin in shiny silver jewelry she finds (swindels) from passing men she toys with. [img][/img] When she's on land she wears a long skirt with a mixture of colored fabrics. It ranges from green to blue with gold accents around the hips. The top is a brazier with the same colors, the rich tones shining on her deep cocoa skin. [img][/img] [hider=Siblings] Antel [img][/img] Axel Argo Aurim [img][/img] Amienth [img][/img] Aremma [img][/img] Ateena [img][/img] [/hider] House: (You don't have to have this but if you do add this please explain where it is, what it looks like on the outside and what it looks like inside) Misc: [/hider]