Riiight, so, almost done here. Just need to work on the number of spells she has but wanted to post what I had as it's late and I dunno if I'ma finish before I pass out. If there are any problems with what is currently had, I'll do my best to fix soon. EDIT: Think that's it for now. Added a few spells and I'll add some more later but I think it works as it is. I'm gonna go pass out now. I'll look at everything/do stuff tomorrow. [hider=Sihu] [CENTER] [h3][img]http://safebooru.org//samples/426/sample_2e7278464754cfb2ae50a8f20bad40784a891111.jpg?426315[/img] [color=bc8dbf][i]"Eh? Fight me? Pfft...and you foreigners say I don't have a sense of humor...eerr, that was a joke right?"[/i][/color][/h3] Standing at five foot nine, with a muscular frame with obvious muscle making her weigh in around 165 lbs, Sihu can come off as more than a little intimidating. Her skin is a somewhat sickly seeming pale color all over, and with red eyes some might think she has a case of albinism but its only from long-extended use of darker magic which is well known to affect ones physical appearance at times. She has messy jet black hair, usually tied back into a long ponytail that falls to her shoulders. Typically, she is seen wearing some odd black and red garb that is decorated, and seems to be made from animal teeth and skins of various kinds. Otherwise, she's seen wearing a simple robe when she's sleeping or not otherwise on duty or planning on doing much that day. Her guild mark is located on the inside of her right thigh, and is a dark blue in color. [h2]Basic Info[/h2] [b]Name::[/b] Sihu [b]Nickname/Alias::[/b] Dark Beast Sihu [b]Gender::[/b] Female [b]Age and date of birth::[/b] 19, October 13th [b]Guild::[/b] Golem's Hand [b]Rank::[/b] S-Rank [h2]Personal Information[/h2] [b]Personality::[/b] What would one expect from someone who's been practicing Darkness magic their entire lives? Cold and calculating? Cruel and merciless? Well, if you expect any of that from Sihu you'd be sorely disappointed. While she's certainly not the most welcoming or inviting and has a tendency to be much too serious, and jokes of many sorts tends to go right over her head, she's far from any of the typical traits associated with dark magic. Certainly she has a love of fighting and will be the first to accept any sort of challenge if it presents itself, she's far from stupid or foolhardy either. If something is obviously beyond her fighting ability or wouldn't prove an entertaining challenge, she likely wouldn't do much to try and fight. Typically she's quite adventurous and loves exploring outside of the city. In fact, it's rare you'll ever find her within its walls unless she's looking for a job, resting after an extended leave or has been called back to the guild for whatever reason. She loathes to stay in one spot for long and often typically doesn't stay in any place longer than she deems necessary. As far as her guild mates go, she's surprisingly protective of them and the people in Luna Crescente, and would be the first to shoulder any burden as far as protecting them goes. [b]History::[/b] Sihu as one might expect, is a foreigner to Fiore and extremely far, far, away from home. Originally, she hails from a small clan of forest dwelling people far inland towards the mainland. While not as in touch with the rest of the world as places like Fiore and its surrounding kingdoms, it was like that because they preferred it. They considered themselves wardens of nature that lived in harmony with the forest and nature after all, and were reluctant to adopt any sort of large change brought about by outside magic. Sihu grew up here, learning the ways of these people she was born into and learning to respect the earth, animal life, and magic itself. She was always a bit on the serious and no nonsense side. Always missing jokes and tended to take the things people said much too seriously, but for the most part she lived a fairly normal life among her people, until the day she stumbled upon a rather ancient shrine...and the beast within it. It was an ancient thing. An ancient, dark thing that reeked of dark magic. Perhaps created by some old dark mage ages ago, or something that was naturally occurring. Either way, it was a place she was warned not to go near. The place was a seal, as much as it was a shrine. Well, being the curious and adventurous little thing she was, she of course ignored this. Her magic had always been based on learning and mimicking moves from the creatures of the forest, turning them into powerful magic attacks. After seeing this beast, well, she decided that she had another source of knowledge for her attacks and decided to learn solely from this beast. Of course, after learning of her little excursion she was kicked out. After, she traveled, refining this particular form of dark magic and eventually ended up in Luna Crescente and Golem's Hand. [h2]Magic[/h2] [b]Magic Name::[/b] Dark Beast Magic [b]Description::[/b] A magic she learned from studying a deceased creature her clan simply named the 'Dark Beast'. What it was in the past is unknown, but with her peoples magic already taking magic by learning from the animals of the forest and mimicking it with magic it wasn't particularly difficult to learn how to mimic the beasts abilities. Of course, the creature being a creature of dark has tainted the magic itself with that of darkness. To learn this magic, one must first observe the beast they wish to mimic with magic. Unlike beast Soul, killing or defeating them is not needed nor necessary. She still has some other magic she uses that she learned before learning this vein of it, but she for the most part wishes to further refine other skills. [hider=Spells] [b]Known Spells::[/b] [b]Claws of the Beast:[/b] Strikes the target with a rending slash of light blue colored dark magic, often taking the shape of a three slashes in the shape of a beasts claw. Its her most often used attack, and considering she can chain this simple move together with consecutive punches and strikes, it can become quite devastating if she manages to get a couple of blows on the person. Can be made with either hands or feet. [b]Beast Fang:[/b] The mage strikes forward with an open palm, sending a force of magic towards the target. while one of her weaker moves, it should be strong enough to send most weaker mages on a free flight somewhere. [b]Dark Beasts Shriek:[/b] Placing her fingers together, Sihu creates a powerful blast of magic around her that can send most people flying. It's not particularly damaging in any way, but the shriek typically disorients foes, especially those unprepared for it and can easily leave someone open to an attack if they're not careful. [b]Beasts Charge:[/b] Focusing magic power in the soles of her feet or other body part that is touching the ground, she is able to leap/charge/blast herself in a desired direction. Combined with her agility and physical fortitude, it can make her quite a problem to deal with since it'd be difficult to get a lock on her. (Probably will add more later as time progresses/I come up with them, but I think you can get a good feel for what I want here) [/hider] [h2]Other[/h2] Master of hand to hand combat Pretty good at moving quietly Extremely agile and flexible she can't process sarcasm at all which leads to some hilarious (or terrible) misunderstandings sometimes. [b]Relatives::[/b] Mother and father, though she doesn't see them any more. [b]Possessions::[/b] Old suit of clothes from her home (What she's currently wearing) [b]Theme Song::[/b] [/CENTER] [/hider]