[i]Dear Recipient, You are receiving this letter to inform you that you are one of the few, handpicked for the expedition to the aquatic planet Volturnus. Enclosed along with this letter is your compensation package should you accept this great opportunity as well as guidelines for what you may bring along for your grand adventure. We look forward to meeting you and introducing you to your teammates. Signed, Jasken Orova, CEO of Orova Exploration Industries[/i] The bulky, old fashioned letter never made you feel so giddy in your life. A chance to explore a brand new planet! As you opened the small package, you found a small device that sprung to life and projected the compensation package and you couldn’t help the low, impressed whistle. Not only was it monetary compensation, it was also a contract stating that you would have a claim for a spot on Volturnus should you decide to permanently relocate as well as funding for your field of specialty for the next ten years! You just… You can’t believe your fortune and luck, you’re stunned and when the device’s screen changes to show two buttons under the words “Do you accept?”, you swear you couldn’t press yes fast enough. But what you didn’t know is what waits for you, for far below the depths of Volturnus is something no amount of the training you were given could prepare you for… Rules: 1. Romance is acceptable, we all know that these are human beings, not robots. But when clothes start flying, either fade to black or take it to PMs please. 2. Characters must cover a general area of study or occupation I.E. Aubrey is a biologist with a minor in botany, she’s not also an astrophysicist and soldier. 3. Characters may come from one of 3 planets; Rhea, Hephaestus and Kepler-17x 4. Kinda goes along with number 2 but no marysue/garystus, seriously. 5. There will be blood, there will be gore. Anything not forum approved will be moved into an rp wide pm, savvy? 6. No godmodding, I don’t think I need to explain this one. 7. There are cyborgs in this rp, they are to be treated with respect. 8. Any questions can be answered by myself or Meta. 9. Most important rule ever! Have fun! All pertinent info is here: [hider=Rhea] Rhea: -First planet largely colonized by humans after the failure of their solar system. -Densely populated by rainforests with most of the planet’s water below the surface, the rest is in the form of rivers and similar water ways. -Cities are made of a hybrid, eco-friendly material and are mostly concealed by the canopy, only a few buildings tower over the trees. -Central planet within the United Earth Coalition, a.k.a. This is where all of the important decisions are made. [/hider] [hider=Hephaestus] Hephaestus: -Mining planet that was colonized after Rhea. -Closer to the sun and has higher temperatures but life still exists in the form of mostly rodents and insects, there is only water below the surface. -There is constant daylight until an annular solar eclipse drenches the planet in darkness for an entire week, causing temperatures to plummet to near subzero temperatures. -The inhabitants are a bit wary of new visitors since it’s rare for new people to arrive. [/hider] [hider=Gliese 224] Gliese 224: Hot, almost Tropical climate Covered in large islands and few Continents Continents lush with Vegetation and sparse desert area’s Mostly reptilian and avian species, mimicking the early stages of Earth Life. Very few species exported offworld as exotic pets and even a military project. Colonization attempted twice, both attempts resulted in a 90 to 97% casualty rate [/hider] [hider=Gliese 224a] Gliese 224a: The first moon of Gliese 224 Similar in appearance to Mars, almost no bacterial life supported on the surface. Worm like creatures and small insect organisms live below the surface, living in underground caverns where water is present. Colonization not started due to hostile temperatures [/hider] [hider=Gliese 224b] Gliese 224b: Last of Gliese 224’s moons Similar to Gliese 224a, no life due to higher temperature making it impossible for survival. Very little, to no water reserves underground. Colonization never attempted [/hider] [hider=Kepler-17x] Kepler-17x Although similar to Earth, Kepler-17x has day and night cycles that last a standard week, varying month to month by a day to three days in Winter months. Polar ice caps fully formed, helping fuel nearby habitable planets that have low water content. Native species mostly herbivorous with few predators, the result of a disease outbreak brought to the planet by the first Humans who colonized the planet Now a fully functioning society, a large walled city the center of the minor Government stationed there, acting as a liaison to other sections of Minor Government [/hider] [hider=Kepler-17y] Kepler-17y Moon to Kepler-17x Lifeless surface, coated in layers of ice with rock and dust hidden beneath those layers Several bases established as Observatories and Communication relays [/hider]