And here's my character sheet. Took a cue from [@Hexaflexagon] and included a link to music in my character's picture- the music is korean, but suits the whole china-town, asian-infused hip-hop thing. [hider=Isaac Park][Color=lightgray] [center][url=][IMG][/IMG][/url] Isaac 'KiD_Icarus' Park 22|5'11|B- [/center] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] A P P E R A N C E [/color] [/b][/sub] [I][indent]Standing in at roughly 6 feet in height and weighing in at 160 lbs, Isaac doesn't strike the most intimidating pose, but is far from tiny and scrawny. His demeanor reads cocky, and he typically has a smart smirk on his face. He's in surprisingly good shape and doesn't at all appear like the type of guy that spends most of his life behind a computer screen. His hair is short and dark, and with a style that screams both meticulous and unkept at the same time, and behind his left ear is a jack for a neural hub. His left arm is covered in tattoos all the way down his arm, and his skin is relatively clear of blemishes and scarring, surprising for someone living in his current situation. His clothing choice varies, he has muted sets of denim and shirts, and bright and obnoxious t-shirts and joggers in the vein of hip-hop hackers and tech-geeks. [/indent][/I] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] O C C U P A T I O N [/color][/b][/sub] [indent][i]Forger, Hacker, 'Special Stock' Consultant/Salesperson[/i][/indent] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] P E R S O N A L I T Y [/color] [/b][/sub] [I][indent]Cocky and arrogant, Isaac can be broken down into 50% brilliant, 50% hot air, and 100% asshole. On the surface, Isaac is a loud mouthed, insolent, smart-alec with no respect for authority and even less respect for those viewed as 'underneath' him. Isaac is outgoing and animated, and can even be considered charismatic to a degree- if one can tolerate his chatter, his cocky smirk and quick wit can be almost endearing. Unsurprisingly, he's very eager to talk about himself and his accomplishments, and often overestimates his own skill, though surprisingly immediately clams up when discussion regarding his youth and early history comes up. Underneath his rather annoying exterior is a surprisingly brilliant mind. With an almost natural understanding of mathematics, physics, and computers; Isaac has a mind that could compare with some of the Belt's most promising IT students- if his brain weren't so busy being buried in videogames, the occasional recreational drug, and the illegal side of the law. A rather large fan of personal enjoyment, though not hedonistic, Isaac can be rather selfish at times and has a preference for things that bring self-gratification. A bit of a cynic, Isaac's optimism can quickly turn into pessimism when the odds appear too stacked against him, and his powerful self-preservation instinct can convince him to just cut and run when the going gets too tough. Isaac can get quite nervous in life-or-death situations, understandably, as he appears to quite enjoy life, despite how shitty his current circumstances are. [/indent][/I] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] B A C K G R O U N D [/color] [/b][/sub] [I][Indent]A hacker and forger based out of the Chinese Quarter, a mere two blocks from the LiveWyre, Isaac Park is a self-made hacker and protege of the Belt's own Simon Dupuy. Isaac Park spent most of his childhood living out of the Park Street Orphanage, making it an extremely convenient coincidence that his long lost parent's surname was Park, as was the surname of all the orphans in the Park Street Orphanage. The Park Street Orphanage, while built with good intentions, had too few staff to properly take care of an entire neighborhood's worth of orphans, and Isaac, like many of his fellows from the orphanage began making their own way at a young age. Stealing and begging eventually became core skills of his early life, and Isaac's natural brilliance led him to developing some of the most eccentric (for a kid) plans for stealing food and what he and his fellow orphans needed to survive. With what little education the Orphanage was able to provide the Orphans, Isaac proved himself to be quite capable in both mathematics and reading, teaching himself with the orphanage's shitty textbooks when the orphanage staff weren't able to teach the orphans themselves. Around the age of 12, Isaac ran away from the orphanage, using the Orphanage's computer system and his rudimentary computer knowledge to unlock the orphanage's gates to help facilitate the the getaway. On the street, Isaac found his life was like that of most street urchins and street thieves: cold, hungry, and harsh. Isaac eventually got his hands on a couple sets of throwaway computers, and found a place for himself at a local internet cafe as a cleaner-boy. Isaac spent most of his days discreetly observing the types of people that entered the internet cafe- ignoring the plain browsers and porn-watchers until he found what was considerably more interesting: programmers and hackers. While these types typically never did any actual work on the computers at the internet cafe, sometimes when they had no choice, or needed to stay anonymous, they'd use their local internet cafe, where Isaac was in the perfect place to observe. Isaac would take what gleaming bits of knowledge he learned from these street hackers in the day, and try to apply them at night when the cafe was closed. Isaac proved himself to be a natural at this, and gave himself the handle: 'KiD_Icarus'. 'KiD_Icarus' was like many wannabes for the earliest part of his life, a nobody on the underworld forums that talked a lot of smack and had nothing to back it up with, just basic scripts and dimestore hacks that one could find with little more than a browser search. At one point, KiD_Icarus found himself trying to hack Simon Dupuy- to some rather poor results. The internet cafe Isaac worked at was borked, and Simon himself walked in to see what was going down in his neck of the woods. Surprisingly enough, Simon Dupuy took Isaac under his own wing, and began teaching the kid how to hack, like really hack, instead of copy and pasting scripts on the internet. Over the next few years, Isaac evolved from wannabe script kiddie, to a hotshot hacker in his own right. Working jobs with Simon when backup was needed, and doing his own thing when he wasn't needed. This part of his life was the biggest thrill. Isaac met people, he made money, and he made a name for himself. While Isaac lacked the hardware to go head to head with Simon or any well paid Corp programmer, Isaac could give a hardened hacker a run for his money, and could write circles around wannabe script kiddies with his eyes closed. While never part of an active crew, Isaac spent enough time running tech work for crews that he generally knew their jobs worked. While never taking an active part in high visibility crimes, Isaac scored himself a notable profit from behind the scenes work, saving most of his boisterous showboating for the underworld forums. When Simon Dupuy got burned, he forced Isaac to lay low, and left the game to open up a bar. Isaac began renting out a room upstairs, and does the occasional 'tech' work for Dupuy when the man needs a trusted individual to do a job for him. Seeking a steadier source of income, Isaac found himself a job working for the local Triads- or at least, one of their front businesses. Isaac currently spends most of his days breaking ID locks on weapons for Triad enforcers. His work ensures that he isn't killed by the goons and gets paid, though his relative replacability prevents him from being a target for other rival group. [/indent][/I] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] S K I L L S [/color] [/b][/sub] [I][indent][b]Tech Savvy:[/b] If Isaac can gain access to it, it can be hacked. Isaac can ravage unprotected systems, and crack open even well protected systems. [b]Self-Taught-School-Smarts:[/b] Despite being self taught, Isaac has a relatively good understanding of physics and mathematics, though wouldn't be able to take a test on the subject matter [b]School of Hard Knocks:[/b] From his time on the streets, Isaac can be fairly street smart- he knows how to do basic lifts, can talk the talk, and knows when and where to get the fuck out of dodge.[/indent][/I] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] E Q U I P M E N T [/color] [/b][/sub] [I][indent][list] [*]Glock 98 - A tried and true street-grade, plastic pistol. Lightweight, easy to use, and accurate for its price, the Glock series pistols have long been a reliable weapon for street thugs and police corps alike. The Glock model 98 features an 18 round magazine and has iron sights with built in integration to Smart-HUDs (for those that can afford them). [*]Samiotech SSR Neural Hub - A lite and simple neural hub favored by some street hackers. Its great for VR simulation, and can be easily customized and secured. [*]HackPad - An amalgamation of a Sony Super-Series PDA and a bunch of other hardware and software tacked and soldered on to make Isaac's prized possession, a portable device capable of doing quick hacks. While not having as much freedom as a computer setup, the HackPad allows Isaac to do several on the fly hacks, as well as launch several of his own scripts. [indent][list][*]Spoofer - A script that lets Isaac spoof an ID or data in whatever system he's in, from company databases, to weapon ID's. While these spoofed IDs are thorough enough to prevent the average wage slave from getting curious and digging deeper, any dedicated search by an dedicated security personnel or intelligence company will be able to see through the spoof. [*] Signal Scrubber - A passively running script that helps to mask Isaac's presence from network security. [*] Blaster - A brute-offense script that allows Isaac to shred through security countermeasures and network walls alike. [*] Smokescreen - A script that dumps a large amount of self-replicating, useless data with the purpose of disrupting electronic systems. The large influx of data slows down security systems, physical countermeasures, and even cybernetic augments. [/list][/indent] [/list][/Indent][/I] [/Color][/hider]