[center][img]http://img.cinemablend.com/cb/e/7/0/c/e/6/e70ce6cc54793c53a306ed247b8f01e01ddb0f32933d4dbb2c04fe02740d2324.jpg[/img][/center] [h1][center][color=brown] Krystan Mc'neil [/color][/center][/h1] Krystan paused from grabbing the frying pan when he asked to have them both play with Raphael. It was a first for someone other than a child ask to play with her and Raphael. She smiles brightly."[color=brown] I would love that Conroy, it'd be nice to have someone to play with.[/color]" She says buttering the bread puts the ham on the bread along with the cheese. She looks at him sideways curiously before she responded,"[color=brown]Northern Las Vegas[/color]," She says grabbing a spatula."[color=brown]What about you? Where are you from?[/color]" Rapheal came padding back his ball in his mouth he sat down next to Conroy and placed it on the ground. He looks up at the man again practically smiling. [@King Tai]