[center][img]http://img15.deviantart.net/22ea/i/2013/252/f/e/mantis_league_alien_zombie_by_doppingqnk-d6lncio.jpg[/img][/center] [h1][center][color=chocolate]Territ Zid[/color][/center][/h1] Species:[color=chocolate]Cyborg.[/color] Age:[color=chocolate]95[/color] Gender:[color=chocolate]Male[/color] Personality:[color=chocolate]Territ is a straight forward, bluntly honest man. He's not going to beat around the bush unless something hits on a bad spot for him. And even then he just stops talking all together. He will quickly resort to violence as an answer. Although he is trying to curb his violent tendencies and try to be more diplomatic. He's stubborn to a fault. And views his way as the most effective. Even if it's not "right." [/color] Background:[color=chocolate]He grew up with the only real family being his brother. And most of his early years was spent covering for his brother and cleaning up after him. After his brother took his mischief one step to far they had a falling out and he left him. Only seeing him again years later by chance. After that he wondered around. Eventually he got desperate enough and tried bounty hunting and mercenary work for a living. And found himself particularly adept at it. He spent the time into his fourties like this. Systematically replacing parts of his body after they became damaged on one job or the other. Eventually he got tired of it, and has recently retired. He now travels around mostly. Ending up in trouble and helping out in his own way. Even when he probably shouldn't [/color] Appearance:[color=chocolate]Generally just reference the above image. He's basically a metal chassis. With some fleshy bits here and there. Not much to it.[/color] Outfits:[color=chocolate]Usually just wears some lose fitting black pants. On more formal occasions(as rare as they've been.) he's known to wear his black pants, a pair of dress shoes, and a black dress vest. Other than that he has a grey jacket with multiple holes in it. And a pair of sneakers[/color] Siblings:[color=chocolate]Brother named Daniel.[/color] House-[color=chocolate]A small house, set inside of a hill in the Windy Hills It's only defining feature from the outside is a small stepping stone path leading to the front door from a few feet away, a concrete doorframe and a steel door built to last. Inside is a concrete hallway with a hardwood floor leading to several different rooms. A sparse utilitarian guest bedroom and bathroom. A repair room, featuring tools and several other odds and ends one needs to keep up with a robotic body. [/color]