Angelika had gone through numerous drops over her lifetime. Because of this, she had a specific ritual that she went through before contact for the first time. Slowly, she ran a cloth over her flamer, before screwing in the fuel connector. Then, she ran the wiring from her eye down to the specialist port just below the handle of the flamer. She sighed as it went in, her vision temporarily obscured by lines of coding, before she felt the strange sensation of her body connecting with the machine, making it feel weightless and as easy to manoeuvre as her arm or leg. Then, she drew her laspistol and clipped in the power bank for it, checking as the power level ticked up. She set the damage output to it's maximum, knowing that if she had to resort to the gun, she would need the extra 'umph.' She clipped her lasgun to her side, then reaching behind her to unclip her new chainsword, revving it a few times to make sure it would work. Lastly, she pulled out her autoinjector and removed the morphine vial, replacing it with a white liquid, Stimm. Made you better, faster, stronger, although you could OD very easily. She clipped the new vial in, listening to the pneumatic hiss as the injector accepted it, before rolling up her sleeve and punching three holes in her arm with the syringe. "Alright boys and girls. Time to do what we get paid for."