[hider=Buck Baker] Name: Buck Baker Nickname: Age: Physical age unknown, but appears to be no older than 30. Has been ‘awake’ for ten years though. Race: Frankenstein Height: 5'11" Weight: Large Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Description: Buck has the sort of body that comes from a lifetime of manual labor. While nowhere near a 'sculpted' physique, it is quite clear that he has a good amount of muscle on him. He tends to overdress, wearing heavier (and more concealing) clothing than the weather calls for, though doesn't show any signs of overheating. Under all his clothing is a body covered in methodical scars. Most prominent is the characteristic Y-shaped scar on his chest from an autopsy. Other marks of notice are large puncture marks near major blood vessels consistent those used to drain bodies of blood and refill them with embalming fluids, and a series of long scars on the back of his head and down his spine that are largely covered by his hair. Most telling of his nature are several areas of his body where his ‘skin’ can be peeled back without difficulty, revealing complicated brass clockwork. In addition his chest can be opened up, allowing access to the inside of his torso. Visual:[img] http://www.aveleyman.com/Gallery/ActorsP/tve52830-3472-20140922-0.jpg[/img] Personality: Buck is a gregarious fellow. He is quick to smile and laugh. He has no problems in calling others ‘friend’ much sooner than the other person would call him one. He’s even known to apologize to someone before knocking them out. It’s not unusual for him to invite other members of the Syndicate out for a drink or two, and often volunteers for dangerous tasks because he can take the punishment. This gentleness should not be confused for weakness. Many a person has been caught off guard by how quickly he can turn against someone. He eagerly throws himself into a fight, striking hard and fast. While he would deny it if asked, a small smile betrays how much he enjoys fighting. Background: Officially Buck was rescued from an organ harvesting operation run by a rogue surgeon in a last minute SWAT raid; kidnapped as one of the many homeless in the city that could disappear without a trace. In reality, Dr. Amy Treadaway did actually run an organ harvesting ring. However this was more to get materials and funding for her own research, taboo and esoteric as it was. Her lab was full of both organs and clockwork mechanisms, at the center of which laid Buck’s winding station. Buck was her first, and so far only, success in reanimation. While he had been ‘woken’ a few days before the raid, his first distinct memory was during the raid, when he was first taken out of the chair that served as his winding station. As paramedics tried to remove him from the chair, his abnormal nature became apparent. This, combined with the nature of Treadaway’s work, caught the attention of the Syndicate, who quickly took over the case. Both Buck and Amy were given a choice: cooperate with the Syndicate or be destroyed. Needless to say, they both accepted. Because he could not remember much about his previous life, Buck was forced to forge a new identity for himself. With the Syndicate’s help, he's been able to develop a life for himself as one of their agents. Considering what little he remembered of his previous life involved living on the streets for ‘a long time’, he is quite content to be part of the Syndicate and has worked with them for the last 10 years. Weapon(s): Buck carries a .357 Magnum revolver. While it holds few bullets and reloads slowly, each shot packs a punch. Additionally the fact that a revolver can fire a wide variety of loads is a major factor in his choice, given what the Syndicate occasionally has to deal with. Skills: - Firearms: Buck is not the best shot, nor the quickest to the draw. However he can more than hold his own in a firefight. - Brawling: Buck tends to rely on his size and endurance in a fight. His fighting style has been described as a mixture of kickboxing, wrestling, and plain old street-fighting - Larceny: Whenever forcing his way in is undesirable, Buck knows several techniques to get past locked doors, crack open safes, and generally get into places others don’t want him to. - Investigation: Between long sleepless nights, trying to catch up on the modern world, and simply needing to learn things for his work with the Syndicate, Buck’s become proficient in doing the legwork required to discover relevant information about a subject Power(s): Hard to Kill: Buck does not bleed, nor need to breathe. Poisons do not affect him unless they physically corrode flesh like an acid. His sense of pain is very much dulled as well, to the point that the easiest way to take him out of a fight is to mechanically disable his body (Handcuff him to a radiator, break his legs so they can't support his weight, even a taser would work so long as the juice flows). That's not to say that he can't die, it's just that nobody's found a way to put him down for good. Dr. Treadaway has a few theories as to what could kill him, such as massive brain damage or being burned to ash, but he's not jumping at the opportunity to test them out. Patchwork Man: Buck’s partially mechanical nature not only gives him increased resilience, but also makes it very easy to recover from any damage he does take. He can do minor repairs to himself, so long he has the tools and a functional hand. More extensive repairs requires outside help. Given enough time, Dr. Treadaway is able to repair most damage done to him, or at least able to replace the damaged parts. Indefatigable: Buck can go days without rest, and never tires from exertion. This is based on his clockwork heart. Under normal conditions he can go about 36 hours between windings. There is a small keyhole on his back, left of his spine, that allows a specially shaped key to wind his mainspring. He carries a copy of this key on a lanyard around his neck, though he cannot reach the hole to wind himself. Normally he uses the same winding station for this purpose, which takes about 8 hours. If he goes too long without windings, he becomes sluggish, slowing down until his body can no longer move. This is incredibly unpleasant for him, as he is still fully conscious during this time but unable to move at all. Mechanical Mind: Dr. Treadaway did several alterations to Buck’s skull and brain. While she is the only one that understands the exact procedure, it was critical to his revival. It also had the side effect of making him unusually resistant to mental effects. For example, mental illusions rarely work on him and telepathic contact is difficult to maintain. However, physical illusions (I.e. Holograms and slight-of-hand tricks) are just as effective on him as anyone else. [/hider]