The explorer's decleration was loud, almost too loud. It had startled nearby civilians outside the bounty hall, only made the figure run faster. The figure ran quickly, speeding out of the bounty hall, before be turned to make his way deeper into Dust. Despite the quick start, however, it was clear that the figure wasn't a quick runner. Bounty hunters and hopefuls alike burst onto the streets, hoping to catch the thief and claim the bounty. The figure spotted a crowd up ahead, one large enough to alude the numerous pursuers hanging onto their tail. Bounty hunters from the bounty hall began to fire at the figure. The figure dodged nimbly at first, but it was clear that they wouldn't be keeping it up for long. What began as an energetic sprint turned into a clumsy, fear-tinged shamble as bullets flew ever closer to the figure. Rather than greed, it became clear that the figure's actions had been fueled by desperation. "Bloody fools..." The sheriff muttered under his breath, loading his rifle. Opening fire had the chance to potentially endanger an innocent civilian, and that chance only grew larger if the figure disappeared into the crowd. And besides that, most of the bounty hunters present only had cheap revolvers, they weren't the most accurate at the best of times. The old bounty hunter took aim at the running figure, who was already closing in on the crowd. The hunter stilled his hand and held his breath, settling his sights on the target, the figure's left leg. But as he prepared to fire, he found himself hesitating. What would happen if his shot missed, or hit civilians? For anyone who knew Tiberius this would've been an odd thought, as he'd been known for his long distance sniping. But a moment's hesitation was all that was needed for him to lose his moment. The thief had almost reached the crowd. The old bounty hunter lowered his gun, cursing in frustration, when suddenly, a gunshot suddenly rang out. Red blood spouted from the thief's leg as it landed. It collapsed suddenly and the thief fell forward, sliding a few painful feet as people scattered out of the way. As he landed, his other leg exploded into red, shocking bystanders, as the gun-toting stranger secured his bounty. The figure's hood had been blown away to reveal a middle-aged man, with long, messy black hair and an unshaven appearance. His face was haggard, clearly due to the pain from the wounds he'd received, but there was a shade of desperation as well, as if there was something he needed to do so badly that he would stake his life for it. The man scanned the crowd assembled. There was a mix of expressions, from confusion and shock to indifference. Suddenly, the man's face cleared and an expression of relief rose to his face. Several bounty hunters began to descend on the downed man like vultures, but one man got to him first. A figure donning a similar cloak to the new figure slowly walked out of the crowd and stopped just in front of the man on the floor. The man produced the book from beneath his cloak and handed it to his compatriot. "I'm sorry my lord, I have failed you..." The man spluttered. The cloaked figure gently closed the man's eyes before taking the book and rising to his feet. The cloaked figure turned to face the bounty hunters bearing down on him. The bounty for the man's capture went to the masked man, but the bounty for the book was yet unclaimed. But as the bounty hunters came within arm's length of the newcomer, they were stopped by an invisible force. They struggled as if embedded in a wall of air, while the cloaked stranger turned in the direction the masked man ([@Senera2000]). The cloaked figure was also masked, his face covered with a full-face obscuring seemingly wooden affair, painted in red and black in a motif reminiscent of a demon. The stranger's hair hung out of the figure's hood; long, scraggly and white. Strangely enough, seemingly in spite of small breeze that graced the town, the stranger's hair didn't move at all. Most strikingly, however, is the stranger's single visible eye, with an iris painted with a vivid shade of red. The figure's single eye seemingly burned as he stared at the masked man. It was a baleful stare, one that made it abundantly clear that the masked man (still you Senera) had just made a new enemy. Some of the trapped bounty hunters had managed to push some distance through the force wall and had inched a little closer to the cloaked stranger. Hiding the book in the folds of his cloak, the stranger snapped his fingers and the trapped bounty hunters fell forward suddenly, shouting with surprise. As the shocked bystanders looked on in confusion, the stranger jumped, rocketing into the sky before landing on a nearby rooftop. The figure looked down at the people on the streets and the chaos that had just been created. The figure then turned and went off, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, deeper into Dust. "He's on the rooftops!" A (rather thick) bounty hunter said. The fallen bounty hunters picked themselves up and began chasing the cloaked figure. The hunt was on.