[center][h2] - Arcadia, Imperium of Man -[/h2][/center] [center][@Wraithblade6][@Supertinyking][/center] Mithias swiftly notices the series of Heavy Bolter Turrets that have been constructed along the oceanfront. He would have to approach from land in order to avoid being identified as a Tyranid, most likely blasted out of the sky before anyone could question it. Having thus veered off from his course he would find it easy to approach one of the nearby bunker-like outposts, armoured blocks occasionally with similar turrets placed on the top. The Imperium lacked the troops to keep manned turrets all along it's border, so instead it created these sensor relays which detect intruders. Each includes a Unity Gate, which allows the Imperium to teleport in troops at will. This was among the many things Mithias had learned from his Space Marine allies. As he approached he could faintly feel the tingling sensation that he could now associate with Unity Engine deployment, too slight for a human to notice, and a full squad of Salamanders marched out of the small building with Bolters at the ready. The leader of the small squad marched forwards confidently, his lack of a helmet clearly showing off the jet-black skin and glowing red eyes, features to match the Imperium's leader. He looked over these two strange stragglers, one of whom was a robot. "Greetings. My name is Alyander Kairn. I will need to perform a DNA test in order to ensure that you lack the Tyranid gene sequence. Standard procedure. If you aren't infected, and you don't match one of our emergency filters, you'll be allowed to proceed." Such checkpoints had previously been found only at the entrances to cities and military bases. The Imperium had always kept up an attitude encouraging free travel. However, with the Tyranid invasion now a clear threat, stronger checks were in order. An infected individual could raise plenty of havoc even outside of population centers, gathering biomass for the main fleet and marking targets.