[center][h2][color=39b54a]Juana Perez[/color][/h2] -[u]Central City, Riverside[/u]-[/center] [hr] While the Persian was distracted using Swift on Archie, Corphish sprayed a froth of bubbles at the cat, impacting it at the same point as the Growlithe's Ember. The bubbles fizzled into steam, creating a haze through which the feral feline could not see, which gave Corphish and Archie a distinct advantage. Corphish scuttled up, snapped its claws, and with both, used Vice Grip on Persian's tail. The cream-colored cat Pokémon yowled in pain, before slashing at Corphish and raking its claws across the crawdad's face. To take two facial lesions in one day was not an ideal situation for the Corphish, and as such, the Ruffian Pokémon was not a very happy camper. Corphish flew into a frothing rage, giving Persian a terrible leering glare that caused the cat to give pause. It then pinched Persian's nose. The Basculin was only the first on its current hit list; now, it was cat clobbering time. Persian turned and sprayed more star-shaped rays, this time directed towards Corphish. Corphish scuttled off to the side, but the rays appeared to bend towards it and strike it anyway. Corphish was worn down from a day of nothing but scrapping, but was determined to hang on for the sake of its crawdad dignity. It shielded its face with its pincers and gritted through the Persian's onslaught of mouth lasers, slowly pushing forth and taking a deep breath to squirt bubbles through any openings in the stars. Fortunately for Archie, Corphish, and Bounsweet, the fruit Pokémon had a homing attack of its own. On Juana's command, Bounsweet lashed out at Persian with another Magical Leaf attack, before slamming into the cat's snout with a whirling Rapid Spin; it was not a strong move by any means, but one that would stop Persian from spewing Swift at Corphish for the moment. Dewpider couldn't watch, but what it [i]could[/i] do was continue helping Des free the Azurill from the stones. It gently wedged its spindly green arms into the space between Azurill and the rock, and wriggled a bit to help loosen the aqua mouse from its spot. Supposedly, it tickled, nut Dewpider couldn't worry about that when there were giant scary fishes waiting to kake a meal out of hapless aquatic Pokémon. [hider=Notes]-TP: Post +1, HHG bonus +1; total: 23 -CP: CP +1. Total: 6 -Continued interaction with [@Silver Fox]'s character Tora. -Continued interaction with [@SillyPhilly]'s character Des.[/hider]