[b]Theowald, Fortune: Good, Hild Fortune: Miracle[/b] Theowalds blade sliced through bone nad rotten flesh as he swung his great and mighty sword with a zeal and a fervor few could match. The horde pressed in on them, but they held it back. Smashing his blade down again, he cut down another shambling corpse. Next to him, Alexus stabbed his blade through the hollow eye socket of another, then stabbing into yet another attacker. That's when he felt a cold wind ripple through him. Somewhere behind him, a Nethlite priestess unleashed what could only be described as miracle. He did not see it, but he felt it. Several corpses before him seized to move, then turned had their flesh peel of their bones before turning into so much ash. This was met with a roaring approval of reinvigorated soldiers who cut into the enemy formation as those not turned into piles of bones looked leaderless and weakened. Theowald was riding the crest of that wave, shouting ontop of his lounges as he sliced through another skull. “FOR BELIAS!” He chanted it like a mantra. “FOR THE LIVING!” [b]--Olivaster, Fortune: Good--[/b] The deadly magic of one not afraid to use their own necrotic forcses against the Undying was something to behold. Men didn’t wait to take advantage however, With Olivasters help, his part of the breach was held back and mended. The ghastly tentacles of the mage was not without notice however, some knew dark magic when they saw it. There would without a doubt, be words after this. But at the moment, his magic saved countless lives as it brought enough time for the ranks to be filled and a proper defense to be mounted. [b]--WYN; Fortune: Catastrophic--[/b] But not everywhere the battle went to their favor. The Druids that travelled with them had poor material to work with in this forest. While they forced roots and branches into living tearing walls, the feeble and twisted vegetation broke and was hacked through with relative ease compared to a fresh and healthy root that would take a massive axe to cut. Instead it broke and snapped under the weight of countless undead. The bears were the biggest issue. massive hulking things, they had been formidable alive. As undead they were real terrors. The undying had bolted metal to their rotting carcasses and they charged right into the shield wall, literally tossing men aside with unnatural strength. Two of them barreled trough the line, breaking the formations and undead streamed through after, forcing another wedge into the shaky lines. Before the conclave of Druids could react, the first bear barreled into them. One, a woman of elven origin had her entire face clawed off her skull as she screamed in sudden terror. The Other bear barreled straight for Wynn. It hit her like a runaway wagon, lifting her off her feet and tossing her back. It charged her while she was still airborne. It hit her hard enough to crack ribs and sent her skidding across the ground- The bear kept rampaging until a dozen arrows from the remaining rangers brought it down. -[b]--Selene: Fortune: Miracle---- [/b] As the maiden of water unleashed a hail of frozen projectiles, she produced not only sharp shrapnel but spears of purest ice. Whether or not it was her intention, her god had heard her prayers and provided her with his might. They shredded through the undead archers, smashing into them, crushing them to the ground. Not only that, evidently some of the necromancers among the undying stood back with the archers, as their deaths made undead dazed and slower to reach. Arrows stopped flying into the livings rank from a large part of the western flank as the hail of ice sewed destruction among the enemies auxiliary forces. Behind her, the cough of Daram signalled he was alive. The man stared about himself befuddled to even be alive. [b]--Banaari, Fortune, Good.--[/b] The Donkeys kick actually sent a undead head flying as the body fell motionless, and then Banaari was in relative safety behind the wall of shields and pikes. Around him, men and women lay dying. Walking towards her at a brisk pace was the one eyed elf that had shared the podium with Countess Sparrow. “You. I know who you are. The countess need your help.” She said in a short, no nonsense tone. She grabbed him by one arm and tugged him towards where the Countess sat, clutching her side. The Countess looked up, they looked to the silver haired woman. “Who is this” “This man is touched by the Grey Warden.” “Ah- Part of your pet project then. He seems confused. Forgot to tell them?” The countess asked, looking surprisingly calm for someone with a gash in her side. “Well. You will have to do Banaari. My field surgeons are working overtime and I lost my personal physician.” She stared him in the eyes. “My Ranger General here, seem to think you are one of the few true Anurians left, capable of achieving Tranquility. I know it is much to ask, from one so young as me Master Banaari. But I need you to tap into that and patch me up.” -- Nikolai , Fortune: Excellent. Drimbald: Legendary -- Nikolais morningstar fell true wherever it struck. And his young, brilliant display of combat skills made those around him pick themselves up and fight all that much harder. Smashing their way into the enemy ranks. Among these Drimbald stood out. Others would sing his name in taverns after this battle, as the dwarfs weapons seemed to never stop moving. Around him, mountains of corpses was forming as he worked his grizzle trade, demanding retribution from the corpses that stole everything from him once. The waves were thinning now, the enemy did have inferior numbers by about two thirds of their own and once properly organized and with the breaches being mended by fresh soldiers, the hold seem to remain steady. They were tearing down the enemy faster then they could replenish with new attackers. And as Undying fell, more and more of the common undead grew sluggish. Wild elf and Grey Elf archers alike sent arrows with deadly precision up into the overhanging branches, making it seemingly rain ghouls about them.