[@thewizardguy][@supertinyking] As Mithias waited, he slowly became aware of even the most subtle sounds and energies all around him. Martin-bot's spinning power core was a cacophony next to him, as silent as it otherwise was. Mithias's eyes flashed toward the unity gate the instant he felt the tingling sensation of the teleporter bringing in a small squad of marines. He could practically count them as they arrived. His senses were normally higher than any living being's, but since his run-in with Alucard, they were even sharper than that. Perhaps he had a few small advantages that he could be thankful for. The space marines that arrived were Salamanders, kin of Vulkan. Mithias was somewhat relieved to see them. They were a brotherly lot, fiercely loyal, and extremely self-sacrificing. They were the type to never leave a man behind. Certainly they knew who Mithias was, and there was no getting by them without a DNA test. "Well Alucard. Let us see how far Tyrannid you, and now I, are." Mithias said quietly to himself and his unseen enemy before approaching. "Greetings, Alyander Kairn. I am Mithias Varomere, and this robot is the avatar of Martin the scientist." Mithias' uniform was still badly damaged with the black wound over his heart clearly visible, yet the vampire seemed perfectly fit and alert. I have an urgent report to deliver, but I would not endanger your people" He extended his hand. "Test my blood." Truthfully, Mithias was just as curious as anyone else if he would pass or not.