[quote=@Liliya]< You don't remove things altogether from characters if you can help it. That's a part of her identity, of who she is as Feigh'Druma. You wouldn't take Lara Croft's ability to shoot, but if the story or fight scene required her to be unable to shoot for impact or storyline reasons you can always ensure that she lost the guns somewhere along the way before the melee started off.[/quote] Yes you can. You select the highlighted text and press backspace or delete for the sign up of a tournament you are participating. If a character has an ability that may conflict with the balance of the game, or in violation of a tournament then you can easily remove it or use another character if it is THAT difficult. I doubt there was much effort crafting that ability since it's about 2 paragraphs large under minimum requirements so don't conflate identity politics with roleplaying combat. [quote=@Glass] [@Devil], while I appreciate the suggestion, I have no intention of removing anything I have taken the time to craft on Aleigha. As I pointed out in my reply back to [@Nafear], I enjoy the aesthetic of this character, and the power in question applies to that aesthetic just as much as anything else on the character sheet.[/quote] It isn't an aesthetic. It's a function. Don't attempt to obfuscate an issue with misuse of jargon. [quote=@Glass]You are by all rights within you right to feel that way. I have seen those instances myself... Even fallen victim to them. Regardless, I am always of the opinion to trust first that whoever I am pitted against will act within the realm of fairness and reason[/quote] Much like Doctor: you aren't convincing me of anything with your buzzwords of "fairness" if you, yourself, were the victim of the very meta-game I brought up concerns with. So your argument boils down to "It's ok when I do it."