[@WildRose] [center][h1][color=ed1c24]Conroy[/color][/h1][/center] For a moment there, Conroy nearly smirked by how he took her comment in response to his suggestion but he needed to stop having a naughty mind and simply nodded [color=ed1c24]Then it's it's a date then...well.....a play date not date date, if you wanna call it that?[/color] he said. When Raphael came back with the ball, Conroy looked down and smiled, grabbing the ball and waves it around [color=ed1c24]Hey! how bad you want the ball big guy....you want it, you want it.......go get it boy![/color] he said throwing the ball in the main cafeteria, turning to hear out Krystan. He nodded [color=ed1c24]North Las Vegas.....never been there but I've heard a little about it.[/color] he said [color=ed1c24]And me....I'm from Port of Spain, Trindad....[/color]