[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/VDo9Fcg.png[/img] [color=chartreuse][h2] [b][u] Thania E. Langston [/u][/b] [sup][sup]Current Location: Dust City, Rooftops[/sup][/sup] [/h2][/color] [/center] [color=chartreuse]"Hold it, ma'am! I wasn't... ogling you. I already have my hands full with a single old cougar, I don't need another one."[/color] Thania bolted straight up when she was so unjustly accused of looking up the skirt of a woman she didn't even knew and, not only that but also, pointed to the local house-of-ill-repute. Seriously, what did that woman thought that Thania were, a dirty old man like the kind that overcrowded Dust and the rest of the Frontier? Well, anyway, her order was had arrived and, when Thania was about to pick it up, she spotted the very same woman sizing her up. Needless to say, Thania puffed her cheeks, red with boiling feelings, in face of such an outrage. [color=chartreuse]"Hey ya, miss! Who's the one ogling now? I was thinking of offering my services to you, but I guess you really want another thing, don't yo-"[/color] Thania declaration was abruptly cut by the saloon bursting to life, after the faint cry of someone yelling something about a reward in this city of gold-crazed vultures reached Thania's ears. [color=chartreuse]"Oh, great, what's it now?"[/color] Thania went to look out of a window. A few gunshots, yells, general chaos and Morrigan being a lazy ass as usual, later... [color=chartreuse]"Send that to my room like usual, old man, I gotta a job to do."[/color] Thania shouted to the saloon master, as she dashed to the back alley. When she passed close to the bar, Thania snatched a bottle of the cheapest whiskey she could find, throwing a coin to the old master [color=chartreuse]"Keep the change!" [/color] Thania said after juggling the heavy bottle, catching it by the neck. Once in the alley, Thania quickly found her way to the nearest rooftop that had a stair close to it and then stopped to observe and try to spot the thief, still juggling the bottle, to get a good feel of its weight. As a rule of thumb, cheap drinks are sold in the toughest bottles, it was not uncommon to use one of these as a club on a bar fight, which is more or less what Thania had in mind as she spotted the criminal and began to trail him as silently as she could. [hr] [sup][@Lord of Evil], [@Senera2000], [@Exit], [@TheWindel], [@Mega Birb], [@MidnightRose], [@Fairess], [@LordVoldemort].[/sup]