[hider=Phoebe the Hyperion] [center]Long flowing white hair and fairly short, standing at exactly 4'10''. Here eyes are a dull gray, and she is often mistaken to be blind. Her skin is pale white. (Can I upload a picture later?) [h3][i]"Please, leave."[/i][/h3]-A rare occasion in which the door to her door was found unlocked[/center] [h3][b]Basic Info[/b][/h3][hr][center] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Phoebe[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] [i]"Untouchable Princess"[/i] [i]"Hyperion"[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Female[/i] [b]Age and date of birth:[/b] [i]16[/i] [b]Guild:[/b] [i]Harpy's Wing, the mark is located on her chest and colored black.[/i] [b]Rank:[/b] [i]S-rank[/i] (Power increases and decreases depending on the amount of light surrounding her; if she's completely shrouded in darkness, her overall rank drops an order of degrees to A-class)[/center] [h3][b]Personal Information[/b][/h3][hr][b]Personality::[/b] Silent and introverted, Phoebe shies away from the company of others and it shows from her attitude. She acts indifferently to most people, and in general seems totally apathetic to the events around her. Though she does not talk much, when she does, she is awfully reticent, often avoiding giving a definitive answer, in a manner that seems as though she were trying to snub the other person. She rarely displays extreme emotions and consequently appears unaffected around others who do. Even with her life being threatened, she hardly seems to care. For the most part, she avoids getting into fights, and seems to take no enjoyment from battling, and as a result, there are rumors that she does not actually deserve her spot as an S-class mage, that it was given to her out of pity, favoritism, or some other base reason. One thing she does seem to react to are demons. Though her surface demeanor does not change, her eyes becomes sharper and more animated when demons are mentioned. Another thing that brings out a reaction from her are books; most any kind of book draws her attention, even if she does not outwardly show it - this is evident from the sheer number of books inside her room. [b]History:[/b] Phoebe was a prodigious mage, born from two prominent researches. She could grasp theories quicker than most adults could, and sometimes would actively participate in the research done by her parents. However, it could be said that she was [i]too[/i] prodigious. She had unparalleled intelligence, but no wisdom to temper it, as that of her adult peers had, the likes of which could only be gained through experience. Her immaturity made her rash, impatient, and arrogant; made her question her parents methods, and irritated with the "sluggishness" of their research. It made her experiment behind their back, eager to show them that her methods were more practical. Ultimately, it made her into an orphan. Phoebe dove too deep into her experiments, without being properly prepared - or rather, she thought herself to be completely full-proof as a person; even if the experiment did go awry, she would no doubt be able to handle the situation, is what she thought. By complete accident, she had summoned a demon that she thought to bind to her control. Her goal was to use this demon to study the nature of God Slayer and other lost magics. Upon its summoning, Phoebe established a contract that granted her complete immunity from the demon, making it so that it was unable to harm her, whether directly or indirectly. Though the contract worked both ways, she decided it was more advantageous for her due to the knowledge she would gain as a result, and the fact that, as she was the weaker of the two, the contract only really protected her, and the demon only technically. The greatest tragedy of her life began soon afterwards. Though it aided her, as per their contract, it slowly but surely began killing off other members of her parents research team, men and women she had grown up with and who she'd know her whole life, to feed its strength. The contract never specified what it could do to those not involved, after all. At first she was unaware of what was causing these deaths, and being unaware that she had summoned a demon at all, so were the rest of the team. Phoebe never even suspected the demon was responsible; she was positive that the leash she had on the demon kept it at bay, not to mention she kept a close eye on it at all times. What she did not know was that the demon had a natural affinity for the darkness. It could kill silently and unnoticed, all the while appearing to not have moved from where Phoebe had caged it. When Phoebe slept, its shadow traveled away from its body to act as assassin and reaper, gaining the souls of every person it killed and consequently added to its strength. Once she found out, she attempted to put a stop to it, but soon found that the demon had become too strong for her to banish. Now fed and strengthened from devouring its victims, it razed the town she lived in to the ground, and in the ultimate act of maliciousness, killed everyone in it - except Phoebe, who was kept alive and unharmed, as per the terms of their contract. Included among the dead were her parents. Afterwards, the demon departed, travelling to distant lands, where it eventually encountered strong resistance, and subsequently driven into hiding, to be forgotten by all but one little girl. Alone with nothing but her damnable research, Phoebe swore revenge - revenge, and some form of penance. She poured countless hours into her research for ways to combat the darkness-aligned demon, and after four years, tracked it down and faced it. Upon breaking their contract, the two could now finish each other off. In a brutal battle of attrition that lasted two days and nights, Phoebe finally won. The taste of victory was bitter, however, as once the demon was banished, she realized that her research had paid off, and gifted her with an absolutely unique and powerful magic - exactly as she wanted. And all it cost was her parents, and everyone of her loved ones. Her arrival at the door of Harpy's Wing and subsequent decision to stay was mere coincidence. The broken light mage fell there in a daze after wandering for nearly a week with out food or water. To this day, nobody is really sure what she wants, or does, anymore. She rarely hangs around other guild members, preferring to stay inside her room all day if she were at the guild hall, or to otherwise be somewhere outside, usually in an isolated area. Nobody's even sure when she takes jobs. Perhaps the only one in the guild who is aware of what she does, and of her past, is the guild master, the only person on the guild she even attempts to talk with. [b][h3]Magic[/h3][/b][hr][b]Magic Name:[/b] [i]Light Dominion Magic[/i] [b]Description:[/b] Over four years of research and the sacrifice of precious amounts of blood has yielded a to Phoebe a light-based magic that is unique, and entirely her own. The first of its kind, Light Dominion Magic does not actually use mana to conjure light, but rather, uses mana to manipulate existing light, and light-based forms. In other words, her magic acts as finely tuned mirrors and magnifying glasses. The greatest aspect of this magic, however, is the fact that using actual light means her spells travel much quicker than other light-based magics, making avoiding her spells an absolute nightmare. When used to its absolute limit, Light Dominion Magic can actually divert light faster than it can travel, and as a result completely darken the atmosphere around the area it's being used in. Unlike most mages, Phoebe does not require the use of her hands for most of her spells, which is why she's earned the nickname "Untouchable Princess", due to her preferred method of fighting to just stand still and rain spells on her opponent as they blindly stumble towards her. She can even manipulate artificial light, and convert it to real light that she can use. [indent][b]Known Spells:[/b] [i]Light Queens Canopy[/i] - An area of about ten meters in diameter is transformed into her territory, called the "Canopy". In the Canopy, light in an area of effect can be manipulated, and as a result, she can bend the image that light reflects on persons' eyes, causing her to look invisible, or to reverse ones' sense of direction, or even cause nausea by messing with a ones' depth of perception. [i]Javelin of Light[/i] - Her main offensive spell. The Javelin of light is a concentrated beam that travels quickly and silently, with terrifying piercing power. Objects too close to the Javelin may be set on fire due to the heat. Phoebe also has the ability to tag people with a magic seal. Said seal then becomes a homing beacon for the Javelin to close in on. She can launch it one after the other or in a barrage to fit her needs. The javelins effective range is twenty-two meters. [i]Star Princess' Veil[/i] - A barrier made of light that takes the concept of "offense is the best defense" to the extreme. Phoebe creates a wall of constantly rebounding light around her that evaporates whatever it comes into contact with. She can increase the range of the barrier for offensive use, though doing that exponentially decreases its power. [i]Hyperion Buster[/i] - Her most powerful attack. [i]Hyperion Buster[/i] rebounds light against each other, compressing it all into one spot so quickly and densely that the area around her darkens completely, except for where the Hyperion Buster is; this has the side-effect of creating a miniature black hole that sucks in nearby matter, though this property is lost once Phoebe discharges the spell. Once discharged, Hyperion Buster takes the form of a beam of light, and ignores all kinds of physical resistance, as the light passes directly through it instead, melting everything along the way. However, this spell has two major flaws: one is that it can only be used if there is a sufficient amount of light out - most of the time, this means high noon. Its second flaw is that after using it, the void of darkness it creates severely weakens the strength of her spells for a brief period of time. Another, though less notable, weakness, is that due to the intensity of this technique, Phoebe can only use it outdoors and in wide areas, or risk getting others caught in the blast radius. [i]Sun Chariot[/i] - contrary to popular opinion, it is not Hyperion Buster that got her into S-rank, but Sun Chariot. It is not even a spell designed for combat, but rather a spell meant for transportation, though that does not mean it doesn't have combat capabilities. Sun Chariot converts her entire body to light and transports her in the direction she chooses. Moving at the speed of light practically guarantees that no one can keep up with her if she wanted to run. This spell does have flaws, in that Phoebe cannot travel where she does not have vision; conversely, that means anywhere in her line of sight is a distance she can travel. This can be remedied with sight lacrima, however. There is a twenty-five second cool down time between each use of the spell. [/indent] [b][h3]Other[/h3][/b][hr]Phoebe is not her real name, and she's thrown away her last name for shame of keeping it, due to her being the cause of her parents death. [b]Relatives:[/b] None. [b]Possessions:[/b] Several lacrima filled with magical light, some meant for an extra range of sight and kept in a small satchel, while others fulfill a variety of other miscellaneous purposes; a lot of books, most of which she keeps in her room, and a pendant that she never takes off. Asides from that, not much. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpkh4JW9hW4[/youtube][/center] [/hider]