[color=0054a6]Adalia noticed the whispers that came to hear ears, after Chalsea had ordered the soldiers to start running. She looked up to the witches and gave them a soft smile, her eyes changed from a light purple color, to a deep dark purple color. She had picked up on the magic the twins used to whisper to her, and used it to whisper back to them [color=ed145b]“The key to everything, is understanding, my two younglings. You will know the truth of the world, as the gates open.”[/color] A small laugh, which could have sounded like an evil laugh, ended the sentence with the two witches. Then Adalia’s eyes turned light purple again and she looked back at the soldiers, while seeming like she didn’t know what had just happened. Rose seemed to have noticed nothing as well, which was kind of strange since she was standing right next to Adalia when the whole scene played out. However, since Adalia and Rose seemed to have some sort of connection, they might have been affected by the same kind of magic or whatever had affected them. Whatever was the case, the aura that had followed the whispering back to the witches, had been full with blood thirst and desire to kill, though it was unsure if it was something she desired to do to the witches and Chalsea, or if she wanted to do it to someone, or something, else. The aura that had reached the witches though, had been a very very strong magical one, something that should have been enough to, if not scare the witches, at least worry them and get on their guard for the time being. Though the aura was now gone and Adalia and Rose was watching as their men was going through the training that Chalsea was commanding. Adalia didn’t know what to expect from the training. She knew that her soldiers had already taken up difficult training and exercises to keep them in shape, but it seemed Chalsea thought she had some other way to train soldiers. Adalia knew that Chalsea and her warband were effective on the battlefield and it seemed like they didn’t have the same feelings holding them back, which could be a good thing. However, from the explanation that Chalsea had given Adalia about how she relaxed when she was fighting and felt free and so on, Adalia knew she didn’t want her soldiers to feel like that, exactly. What she wanted them to be better at, was reaction time and fierce powerful striking with their swords and abilities and so on, which it seemed that Chalsea did know how to improve. But only time would tell what exactly would be improved for the soldiers through this training of hers. Rose looked to Adalia with a small smile [color=f6989d]“If we get more effective, we will never lose a battle or be close to again. We will always be able to defend the White Stone City.” [/color]Adalia nodded with a small smile. [color=ed145b]“Yes, that we will. But we can’t ignore the rest of the world forever. If the Orcs are expanding their territory and abducting villagers and citizens from other kingdoms, we will have to march out one day to help others fight this war. Don’t mistake the Orcs retreat as an ending to the war, they have merely stepped back to form and regain their numbers before they move again. They might not try to take the White Stone City again, but they will certainly move to try and conquer other kingdoms and villages, to further strengthen their numbers and expand their territories even more, for whatever reason they might have.” [/color]Rose nodded a bit before she looked back out at the soldiers [color=f6989d]“Well, whatever the case may be, we will be ready to deliver a fierce battle to the Orcs, something they would never have tried to defend against before, and that will be our way of winning this war. Through surprise and strength.” [/color]Adalia shook her head a little [color=ed145b]“You are wrong. We will win this through patience, stealth and surprise. When we have those three things completely mastered, then we can deliver a strike so powerful that we will win. But as it is right now, the Orcs have something hidden that we don’t know of, something that helps them in their campaign against the rest of us, and that is why they have the upper hand at the moment.”[/color] Rose thought about that for a moment and sighed [color=f6989d]“I guess you are right, I just want to kill some of those bastards for what they did to my brother..”[/color] Adalia nodded [color=ed145b]“And you will get the chance, but you have to be patient.” [/color] Adalia looked off into the distance now, and she could see that the clouds were getting darker. It was going to rain, and probably a good long time before they would be finished with their training, though she was sure that Chalsea did not intend to stop the training just because of a little rain. Once the soldiers had finished the laps around the city, Adalia walked over to Chalsea, leaving Rose behind where they had been standing this while time. She gave her a soft smile [color=ed145b]“It will soon rain, and it will be hard rain. Thunder will come as well. If you wish to keep training, I will let you do so. My men will not back down either, but I will have my mages set up some protective barriers around you all. The rain will come through, but the thunder will be repelled should it strike down into the earth. The Steppes are known for having many thunder strikes that hit the ground, so it is rather dangerous to be out here while the storm is going on, but I won’t stop the training because of the weather. It will just improve their chances of getting better when training in stormy weather.”[/color] She smiled. [color=ed145b]“However, I have something I need to attend too. If you wish, you can join me later for a bath once you finish your training. If you have other plans, you are welcome to carry them out before the bath as well. Just let Rose know what you would like to do, and she will give me the message. I will leave her to observe the training and report to me how it goes, as well as leave her to give me any messages there should be. I wish you the best of luck during the training.” [/color]She smiled, bowing gently to Chalsea before she turned around and walked away with those beautiful hips of hers. [/color]