[center][hider=Chara]Name: Chara Age: 16 Gender: Born Female but is genderfluid so she would look male some days Race: Human... What more do you want? Height: 4'10 Weight: 89 pounds [img]https://i.paigeeworld.com/user-media/1465603200000/559dca3bd23ec3da843c4770_575baff5912f21a1385d4f77_320.jpg[/img] Appearance: Chara is pale skinned, with dusty brown hair that she cuts herself to shoulder length with either a dagger or a pair of rusty scissors so it's never even and bright striking red eyes that are like fire, and when she stares you in the eyes you would feel like you soul itself is being set on fire and burned alive. Character Concept: Chara is an independent, snotty, and rude person who keeps their emotions to themselves and just minds their business living their life one day to the next just trying to get by on what little that they may have. She is normally feared by people which cause her to be pretty lonely but it doesn't phase her that much though and she does have depression and sometimes suicidal thoughts and she has tried to kill herself because of the fact that people are scared of her and her never really knew her birth parents and her adopted parents didn't help with it so she ran away and she is nowhere living on her on top of rooves of houses and different buildings Combat, Abilities and Skills: Chara is really skilled with a dagger and agility and can make a knife or something that is sharp or able to cause pain out of anything, she is also really good at lying, stealing, bribing, blackmailing, and dancing. She is really good at dancing and does it when no one is looking or around just out of boredom Equipment and Inventory: Chara would often carry a pocket knife, two daggers, and sometimes a pistol but that's only when she is planning on stealing something Other: She is not completely original but some of it is from the undertale fan base page but it doesn't say much about her characteristics, so I had to make up a good part of it, the picture is from a undertale au called dancetale that I have been addicted to lately, Sample Post/Introduction: "Try to catch me you dirty little mutts!" *Chara chuckles and darts off her backpack stuffed full of money, fruit, and bread to the point it's barely able to close, she holds her dagger in one hand and her pistol in the other hand ready for anything* {Lets what you guys will do if I do this} *Chara smirks and jumped up onto of a parked car and climbs onto of a house and bounced from roof to roof making her way back to an abanded building that she stays at until someone finds her there and kicks her out for trespassing on city-state land* "They are so slow"[/hider][/center] I'm hoping through the rp, I would be able to make it so that Chara opens up more as she meets new people and finds out that not everyone is scared of her and that world isn't that bad of a place to be... I also went over the limit but I just got so into the typing I forgot about it, and I hope that doesn't tax me so much that I can't be in this rp because I really wanna be in it