OK, so my CS is up, tell me what you think... [hider=Elnariel] Name: Elnariel Caldor Age: 42 Gender: Male Race: Human Height: 6”7’ / 205cm Weight: 11st/ 70kg Appearance: A very tall, thin, scholarly man, with pale skin and brown eyes. He wears thin, wire frame glasses, his hair short and neat, and always a crisp, black suit. Character Concept: One of the many librarians who work within the grand library, Elnariel is often overlooked by the others, sometimes even completely forgotten, due to his tendency to study the literature in the more isolated sections of the library.This is also the reason he is privy to much lore that no-one ever knew even existed. He has used this knowledge….dubiously, and has many underworld contacts. Combat, Abilities and Skills: Elnariels affinity is with fire, handy for lighting up dark places. However, due to it’s tendency to burn books to ash, his primary focus has been control. He can wreath something in flames without it burning, or create a wall of fire that only harms those who pass through it. He also carries a long, silver topped cane, which he wields with some efficiency. Equipment and Inventory: He usually carries a pocket sized book, the one that’s he is presently reading. He also carries an index of all the books he’s read, cross referenced with their location in the library, it also contains books which he would like to find at some point. His cane is crafted of polished oak wood, topped with a silver swans head. Other: Sample Post/Introduction: Deep in the recesses of the grand library, a single, glowing flame hovers over an ancient wooden table, illuminating the pages of an even more ancient tome. “Hmmm, interesting,” mumbled the thin figure hunched over the cracked parchment, “this could revolutionise my methods.” He stood, stretching to his full height, before picking a book off the pile below the table, and placing it on the floor in front of him. “Now.” He whispered, stretching his fingers towards the book. Suddenly, it burst into flames, fire licking at the pages and rippling across the cover. Yet the book itself remained untouched.A thin smile crossed the man's lips, “Perfect.” [/hider]