[color=0054a6]Adalia had gone back to her mansion and down into the basement. Underground, was where she was doing magical experiments with her mages and witches and of course the experiments were dangerous, but she never did anything that was morally wrong or anything like that, she always tried to be careful with everything they did, and they never experimented on live creatures of any kind. They used wild plant life and whatever they could find that could work as a platform for whatever experiment they were doing, but they wouldn’t risk a life of any kind. The big room she was inside now, had a large bright blue crystal in the middle, hovering above a hole in the floor that seemed to go on forever, at least you couldn’t see the bottom or hear anything you threw into it, hit the ground, which meant it was deep, very deep. This crystal was the largest experiment they had going on, while there were worktables around the rest of the room with other smaller experiments, such as equipment enhancements and so on. Now, the crystal was the thing that was taking everyone’s interest. It was glowing brighter than it had before, which meant that it was reacting to something, which they hadn’t seen before. Adalia and her mages and witches had a theory that the crystal could be used to open a portal to another place; however, they had no idea of where that portal would lead them too, if it were indeed a portal. The reason they believed it to be a portal, was that the magic that pulsed from it, was similar to the magic used in teleportation. It was just in a much larger scale, which meant that if the magic it pulsed out was on a much larger scale already, without being fully unlocked, it would contain a very big mass of magical output and mana once it was fully unlocked. Adalia and her mages and witches started to analyze the pulses that came from the crystal and record their findings in the recording crystals they had managed to create as well. These crystals functioned as diaries, where they could record their findings, results, and experiments and so on, so that they wouldn’t forget or lose any of their research. In the meantime, though, it seemed that something was happening at the training session, where Rose was standing and observing the training. When the training suddenly stopped and Chalsea fell to the ground, everything turned rather chaotic. From the way Chalsea’s men reacted, Rose knew that this wasn’t normal, which meant she had to do something. Their request for a healer would take too long if she was indeed burning up from the inside already, so Rose would have to be the help they could get. She ran over to them fast and looked at the men holding Chalsea. [color=f6989d]“Keep her steady and on two feet. If you lift her from the ground, I won’t be able to help her.” [/color]Just as Adalia, Rose had changed her aura and her attitude. Her green eyes had become much darker and green sparks were igniting around her hands for a short second now. She placed her hands on Chalsea first, getting a feel of her temperature and how conscious or unconscious she was now. When she had an idea about her state, she smashed both her palms into the ground and sat down on one knew with her head bend down towards the earth, which made her look like she was kneeling. From under her hands, the ground started to rumble and shake a bit and in a second later, something was moving through Chalsea’s body. You could see it on her legs and the rest of her body as well. Everyone could see small vines growing through Chalsea’s body, slowly moving like snakes through every part of Chalsea’s body. Rose wasn’t moving from the ground, but she was sweating heavily, which could also be seen by everyone, as she was dripping with water, a lot of it, onto the ground. She was starting to burn up inside as well, for whatever reason Chalsea was burning, but she now slowly raised her hands from the ground, and as she did, the people around them would be able to see that small green vines were attached to her palms, going through the ground and up into Chalsea. If some of Chalsea’s men could think fast, or any of the White Stone City soldiers could think fast, they would realize that the vines was transferring whatever was happening inside Chalsea’s body, into Rose’s body. This was a dangerous technique Rose possessed, it allowed her to absorb whatever cause the other person pain, but without having the time to analyze the situation, which meant she could in theory be transferring a death spell, that would kill her if she were not careful. Now though, she managed to absorb all of the heat and cancel out what was happening inside Chalsea, and just as she finished, the vines snapped from her palms, detracted themselves from Chalsea’s body and went into the ground again, leaving no trace of themselves. Rose then staggered to her feet, breathing heavily and shaking badly. She looked up at Chalsea and her men, her eyes still dark green, now with blood running out from her eyes, though it was gently washed away by the rain. [color=f6989d]“You are…Fine now.” [/color]She said, coughing rather aggressively after those few words. When she got a hold of herself again, she took a deep breath. [color=f6989d]“But I don’t know what happened to you and I can’t explain what magic was inside you. But I strongly suggest that you think about what you changed the last few days, to make your body react like this. It is not a normal reaction that comes from nothing, this reaction, feels like it was expected to happen at some point.”[/color] She said, coughing again and holding her hands onto her stomach. [color=f6989d]“I need to go back to the mansion now. You should get some rest too.”[/color] She then turned around and started to walk away. As she did, her eyes turned back to their light green color and her mind altered the memories of what had happened, so that Rose thought she was feeling sick because she had had a blackout from helping the soldiers and Chalsea with the training and nothing else. Whatever had happened, Rose had no memories of it and the only thing she truly remembered was that she said she was going back to the mansion to rest and get better, which was what she was going to do now.[/color]