The chaos was complete as Chalsea had fallen from an unknown but clearly magical cause. Her soldiers did do as Rose had asked though and seemingly the situation had normalized as Chalsea’s bdoy had relaxed once more, but she was not really able to stand on her legs yet. She could barely hear Rose’s words, but she did mange to get the gist of it. It was the ring… it was always the ring. The purple little ring that seemed to hold a lot of secrets behind the nomad, secrets she herself didn’t know she had. Things buried deep into history and her body hopefully to be lost forever, but such was not the case. As the woman that helped her clearly had taken quite a lot of damage herself and had decided to go rest, Chalsea managed to bring herself to say something to her ment.[color=6ecff6]” The heavy enchantment is going to wear of before you finish the lap even if you start now… non the less you take the 100 most impressive of Adalia’s soldiers and bring them to fighting training… leave the rest to rest… for today.”[/color] She ordered as her men saluted and two of them helped her get back into the city and towards her housing while the others went to gather those of Adalia’s men and women who made the best of impressions during the deathmarch to train for the day. Originally she had planned to continue with having those who didn’t make the bar run for a while more without the enchantment for weight, but her plans fell short with this… event. By the time they arrived at the housing given to them, most of the warband had heard of what had happened and reacted with great concern for their leader. Chalsea had proven herself as incredible to the point of unbelievable fighter and a trusty leader whom they would follow to their graves without regret no matter what. Also they had never seen her even sick, not to mention something like this event even! She was brought into her room, left on the bed and covered with a couple of blankets to keep her warm and cozy. She felt drained… a lot. As if all her strength was sapped away from her body. There was also the thing that she still felt some heat from deep inside her though it was more of a phantom sensation right now. Fire… what had happened to her? She knew not, she never had this happen. [color=c4df9b]“Chalsea, you are better?”[/color] Vala and Sala asked in unison as they entered the room.”[color=c4df9b] We heard… you feel ill.”[/color] They added and sat next to her on the bed, caressing her head.[color=c4df9b]” It’s okey now, worst is over.”[/color] They whispered to her in reassuring fashion. [color=6ecff6]“My ring…”[/color] She managed to mutter and the witches looked at each other at her unspoken request and first nimbly took off Adalia’s glove, but then they made a rather conflicted expression.[color=6ecff6]” What’s going …on?”[/color] She asked, struggling. [color=c4df9b]“It’s broken… it broke when you fell it. We found it shattered into two.”[/color] They replied, showing her the two pieces of the once purple ring. Those with magic could feel the magic radiating from the item now that she was no longer wearing it, even in this broken into two state, it revealed quite the magical aura. It was no mere ring of magic negation. This thing had quite a lot of anti magic power behind it - made to seal powerful magic users or creatures.[color=c4df9b]” Now sleep, rest, it will become better.”[/color] They added, brining a basin of cold water and putting a cold water compress her forehead. It felt rather nice and refreshing… and calming. The heat that was all she felt till moments ago was replaced with a nice coldness that relaxed her muscles.”[color=6ecff6] I wanted to…meet…Adalia…later…”[/color] She was mumbling while she fell temporary asleep again. Her body was undergoing changes and needed all the energy it could get. There was something hidden within her blood, something the glove woke up and now that it was awaken even her ring could no longer keep it down. Slowly and certainly her true nature was going to show and once it did, she was going to become even more renown throughout the land. As the avatar if fire, a bringing of tidal flames. [color=c4df9b]“Let’s bring Adalia…”[/color] Vala said and the witches looked at each other with a small smiles. They didn’t like Adalia’s change in presence earlier, but Chalsea liked her and it was going to help her recovery… probably.[color=c4df9b]” You go.”[/color] Vala stated to Sala and the girls nodded to each other with giggle, one of them running out the room.