[@December][@Duthguy][@Heyitsjiwon] -Sunset fish- AS the sun started to set in the distance something unbelievable was seen. A beautiful trail of the fish were passing by them. The Fish that were swimming past one of the goblins were actually glowing because of their colorful scales it almost looked like a rainbow flowing down the river and even though their was still sunlight it was obvious that they get even brighter when the moon rises in the distance. This was not only beautiful but was a great defense system because it would usually confuse their predators from claiming the largest of them. [hr] [@The 4 Winds] -Grandpa and the gathering- Grandpa was napping in the cave waiting to see which of the young ones would make it back after their first hunt. It was unlikely that they would all survive since their was usually at least one death in the beginning where the weak are left to die as something elses prey. Soon he woke up to the sound of whistling and he was curious as to what was making that odd noise. He reached the entrance of the cave and he saw that it was one of the goblins and it seemed he was gathering berries. While it was safe it wouldn't make him any stronger. Grandpa hoped that he actually hunted today. [color=8dc73f]"Avoid the yellow berries little one"[/color] he called to him not wanting to have the young die so stupidly. [hr] [@Duoya][@Rune_Alchemist][@Wasted Ink] -careful of staying out to long- As they kept moving back to the cave they soon heard a loud howl in the distance. The fact they have been able to kill 3 horned rabbits was a boon and a curse because the blood was attracting the real predators of the forest. While they were making light of a bear they would need to hurry or hide in a tree if they want to avoid whatever was making that loud howling noise. They may not know it but if nothing else they would be safe in the tree tops if they knew how to climb. If they weren't careful to run faster they wouldn't be able to avoid a truly difficult fight that would put their lives on the line...